Tuesday, 7 June 2022

June 2022 slogan postmarks and other interesting postal markings.

As was expected, and predicted the PLATINUM JUBILEE slogan which started on 28 May has continued into June.

Her Majesty's
Platinum Jubilee
70 Years of Service
Thank you ma'am

This example was on a letter we received today, from Greenford/Windsor Mail Centre 06/06/2022.

Platinum Jubilee slogan postmark used at Greenford/Windsor Mail Centre 06/06/2022

UPDATE 10 June: Royal Mail has marked the 40th anniversary of the liberation of the Fakland Islands with the latest slogan postmark.

40th Anniversary
Liberation of the
Falkland Islands
14 June 2022

Here is an example which arrived here this morning from Greenford/Windsor Mail Centre 08/06/2022 and we also have the same format sent by JE (Preston 09/06/2022) and LT (Sheffield 08/06/22).

Liberation of the Falklands 40th anniversary slogan postmark Greenford/Windsor Mail Centre 08/06/22

Liberation of the Falklands 40th anniversary slogan postmark Lancashire and South Lakes Mail Centre 09/06/22

Liberation of the Falklands 40th anniversary slogan postmark Sheffield Mail Centre 08/06/22

UPDATE: My thanks to JE for the 'other' format from the iLSM machine at Mount Pleasant Mail Centre on 10-06-2022 on a Mail Rail Platinum Jubilee Post and Go stamp.

Liberation of the Falklands 40th anniversary slogan postmark Mount Pleasant Mail Centre 10-06-2022

UPDATE 16 June:  The latest slogan arrived here today from Edinburgh, and I was sent one by RW from Tyneside Mail Centre.  It's the latest in Royal Mail's tie-up with the Greetings card industry.

Don't forget
Father's Day
Sunday 19 June

Don't forget Father's Day slogan postmark Tyneside NE/SR Mail Centre 15/06/2022

Don't forget Father's Day slogan postmark Edinburgh Mail Centre 15-06-2022

UPDATE 26 JUNE: Ahead of the Commonwealth Games to be held in Birmingham from 28 July - 8 August a new slogan postmark has been introduced at IMP and iLSM mail centres.  


11 days of world class sport
28 July - 8 August

My thanks to JH, RW, PD & CH for sending examples and to my Greenford correspondent who sent a letter which also received this slogan.  The spacing on the Glasgow example seems unusually wide. 

Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games slogan postmark Glasgow Mail Centre 20-06-2022

Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games slogan postmark Greenford/Windsor Mail Centre 21/06/2022

Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games slogan postmark North West Midlands (Mail Centre) 20/06/2022

Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games slogan postmark Southampton Portsmouth & IOW (Mail Centre) 23/06/2022

The stamps for this event will be issued on the opening day, and I had thought that there would be a PRIDE slogan to mark Royal Mail's participation in the Pride March or at least their support for Pride month - this was last year's slogan:

Pride Month 2021 slogan postmark.

So whereas we are likely to be able to use the Games slogan on first day covers, that may not be the case with the Pride stamps to be issued on 1 July.


This is the place where all news about June postmarks - provided by readers or discovered by us - will be posted.  Please check back and refresh the page before sending anything which may have already been sent since you last looked: this will save you time scanning and writing.  Variants on postmarks already shown are welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Lars Tรฅders11 June 2022 at 23:30

    What a sad reflexion of ruling+class morals it is that the egregious event of 2nd July gets a set of stamps but the heroic liberation of The Falklands gets just a postmark.


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