Monday, 21 December 2020

Royal Mail Stamp Programme for 2021 - earlier than expected.

We received this programme for next year's stamp issues earlier this morning.   I have checked with the source that it is genuine* and so we can now publish it here for your enjoyment or otherwise.

2021 Stamp Issues

January 14th – National Car Parks 90th Anniversary – pretty certain as I have received a direct debit notification.

February 9th – A set of 12 stamps depicting all the forthcoming commemorative issues for 2021 – to be issued 29th June.

March 16th – Great British Deceased Musicians – 6 stamps featuring Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, Ami Winehouse, Lemmy, Rick Parfitt and Paul McCartney. It is pointed out to the new Chief Executive of the Royal Mail, Dido Harding, that Paul McCartney is still alive. Dido Harding has to resign.

April – Royal Mail announce there will be no stamp issue in April. Collectors everywhere issue a collective sigh of relief collectively.

April 1st – A set of six stamps celebrating April Fool’s Day.

May 20th – Great British Actors – 6 stamps featuring Judi Dench, Helen Mirren, Maggie Smith, Kate Winslet, Keira Knightley and Lily James. The new Chief Executive of the Royal Mail, Chris Grayling, points out that surely these are actresses, not actors. Chris Grayling has to resign.

June 5th – A set of 30 stamps commemorating The Selling Out of Star Wars (Series 6….or is it 7)

July 6th – The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. It is pointed out to the new Chief Executive of the Royal Mail, Frank Spencer, that the Queen actually came to the throne on February 6th not July 6th. Frank Spencer has to resign.

August 27th – Great British TV Comedies – Mrs Brown’s Boys. A collective ‘for feck’s sake’ from collectors everywhere.

September 17th – A set of 6 stamps celebrating something that happened in September, 13 years ago.
The Royal Mail announce that all presentation packs in the future will be pre-manufactured with creases in them so that no one has to return damaged items to them any more.  (May be Sept 5th, see picture alongside - Ed.)

October 8th – A Presentation Pack of 6 Christmas stamps with 1st and 2nd Class booklets all with the slogan ‘Post Early for Christmas’

November 14th - A set of 30 stamps commemorating Star Wars – Flogging A Dead Horse (Series 7….or is it 8)

December 20th – Celebrating Leaving the EU and the Signing of a Trade Deal - set of 6 stamps depicting the Union Jack from different angles. However, due to Tallents House in Edinburgh, complaining they hadn’t voted for Brexit, the stamps are issued without the blue St Andrew’s Cross of Scotland. Much disappointment amongst collectors as they thought they had a missing colour error. The new Chief Executive of the Royal Mail, Paula Vennells, is sentenced to 5 years in jail for her part in the ‘Post Office Scandal’ but can keep her job at the Royal Mail.

* My thanks to Paul Taylor for this inspired piece of writing.  It is genuine, ie all his own work. 


  1. Brilliant, although I think Paul may have made a typo for the September issue. There is a property in Faversham (Kent) with a small plaque on the wall that reads 'ON THIS SITE / SEPT 5 1782 / NOTHING HAPPENED'. Perhaps this is what is to be commemorated, as the 239th Anniversary seems a nice non-round number.
    PS. Picture available Ian if you would like me to email it to you for fun.

    1. Yes please, it's unusual to have a post with no pictures.

  2. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ and I decided to stop collecting modern issues. This would be a year worth having. Has made me smile while in tier 4 lockdown. Merry Christmas everyone.

  3. I actually thought the first issue was real! LOL (It isn't, is it...?)

  4. Counterfeit 2021 Christmas already on eBay

  5. was looking forward to the NCP set, my wife's birthday is in January and I thought set would be a great gift

    1. I thought the National Car Parks 90th Anniversary set in January might be quite good and no worse than some of the issues we have had over the past couple of years. I also think we could do with some more Star Wars issues as we have not had many this year.
      Happy stamp collecting to everyone in 2021.

  6. Not enough Star Wars if you ask me....

  7. Well thought out & written, we all needed a smile.

  8. 2021 is the 100th Anniversary of Tottenham Hotspur's second FA Cup Final win against Wolverhampton Wanderers. If this doesn't merit a set of 10 stamps, miniature sheet, Prestige Stamp Book and Collector's Sheet from Royal Mail I don't know what does!

    1. And people should not forget it! Only amateur team to win the FA Cup; first team to do the "Double" in the 20th century; first English team to win a European trophy..... COYS

  9. Of course you realise that someone in RM will be looking at the list and thinking that it contains some good ideas ��

    As Merry a Christmas as you can manage to all.


    1. I'm always wary of that, John, because I know they do, same as the post about Australia's year-book.

      But whatever they change it won't happen for the next couple of years because their plans are already established.

      Hope you had a good Christmas.

  10. I gave up collecting several years ago, because of the never-ending tidal wave
    of stamps relating to celebrity, TV and cinema.
    Does anyone know why the Royal Mail produces so few issues based on historical
    and literary themes nowadays?
    I, too, had assumed that the NCP issue was for real. A sorry state of affairs.

  11. Wow... Star Wars Overload is it really necessary, nothing really stands out apart from the British National Parks. And last time I looked Paul McCartney is still alive, unless someone has got a crystal ball.
    Great British Comedies, Mrs Brown's Boys really nothing really great about it, they could have picked a classic 80's sitcom.
    Regarding the September stamp release I found this on Wikipedia
    Really don't know what that has to do with Britain to be honest about naval operations in the American Revolutionary War.
    December release is a total waste of time, rather pointless.

  12. I think Royal Mail have taken vengeance on me after my tongue in cheek list of upcoming stamp issues. I have just received the new definitives presentation pack and not only does it have the customary crease in it, but there aren't any actual stamps in the pack....!! Needless to say I have contacted Royal Mail and cancelled my standing order with them. They are beyond a joke.

    1. You never know this might turn out to be a scarce find.
      Happy New Year to everyone and stay safe.

  13. Paul McCartney gets his own set of stamps on May 28th 2021

  14. Think it's National Parks, not car parks, for the first issue of 2021.

    1. Thank you for joining in, I think you should read the footnote, especially, and the whole programme - and the other comments. You'll find the REAL programme here


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