Monday 9 November 2020

Early release of Star Trek stamps

As we all know the Star Trek stamps will be issued on Friday of this week.  But somebody in the Birmingham area has already used one!

It's a while since we reported an early release error.  The date isn't clear but logically it can only be 02/11/2020, from the Birmingham Mail Centre.  This one is now on eBay; only a piece sadly, but good for a collection.

Star Trek stamp to be issued 13/11/2020 used on 02/11/2020 at Birmingham Mail Centre


  1. Not a typical philatelic source, but @ironmanstampcoin posted an used version of a Rupert Bear stamp on Instagram on 18th August. Unfortunately no date is visible, but it had to be available by then already.

    1. I can't find that ID on eBay. Is that the eBay username?
      If you see any more please send them with the link as early as possible and then we can get timely reports.


    2. It is not on eBay, but on Instagram. It is from the personal collection of someone.


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