Monday 12 August 2019

New version of Norvic Machin Checklist - V 2.1.3

As a result of all the recent new stamps which have become available in various places but not all here, I have updated the Checklist and a new version is now on Dropbox.

Remember, there will only be a new version when we mention it in a new post, and it can only be found from this link on the right-hand side of the blog, down the page a bit.

As always, if you have any problems getting this, or if you find any errors, do please let us know.  This new version not only had all the latest stamps but also adds some Large Letter booklets that were missing from previous editions for some years!

Update 19 August
Thanks to Chris N we can now show the latest addition to this year's Machin stamps with the 1st class from booklets of 6 - MSIL M19L.  This is numbered 2936aS.9 in our system.


Update: This is version 2.1.3 dated 12 August, with the 2p M19L at the top.
Due to an aberration, the Latest Additions sentence shows wrong highlighting and should read:

Latest Additions and amendments are highlighted with green shading and the previous changes are highlighted with blue shading.

Additional information not available previously:

2931.9      2nd class booklet MTIL M19L was packed 21/02/19
2936a.9    1st class booklet MTIL M19L was packed --/02/19 & 12/03/19

2914aB.9 1st class business sheet M19L was printed  04/02/19
2916aB.9 1st Large business sheet M19L was printed 25/03/19


  1. A very minor typo spotted so far: on page 20, Special Delivery 100g M19L should show an Issue Date of May 19 (not May 18).

    1. Thanks, I spotted it just too late. There are already amendments (as above) for the next edition.

  2. On page 39, the Special Delivery 100g M19L (2985.9) is missing from the listing.

    1. Thanks, I'll add that. It's the back of the list that tends to be overlooked.

  3. Hi Ian. I think the following should all be April 19 (not 18) for EKD. Page 7 2914a.9, Page 10 2913.9 and Page 11 2916a.9.

    1. Thanks, I've since found at least one of those. Who'd be a publisher, eh? I sent some news (not GB) to Gibbons this week, just too late for this year's COmmonwealth catalogue due in September.

  4. 1st Class MSIL M19L now needs to be added to this list. Found on 17th August 2019.


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