Sunday 11 August 2019

Rock Legends and Rock Gardeners

No, it’s not “Music Giants III” although it could easily have been one of the choices of title Royal Mail considered when the series started.

This is a different sort of Rock Legend, and I’m showing it here to demonstrate to readers who only collect Great Britain stamps that some other postal authorities have, perhaps, more imagination and are better at marketing.

I rarely encroach on the specialist area of the Commonwealth Stamps Opinion blog, but when I saw this from New Zealand Post, I felt it deserved a mention.

It’s maybe not a subject that would necessarily get the juices flowing - although New Zealand has some truly magnificent landscapes - but the special layout of the sheet with its poster style captions are really rather clever.

If I was still adding to my worldwide collection, this would be in there!  You can buy it here for NZ$11.70 or from your favourite commonwealth dealer.

Postscript:  New Zealand's neighbours on the 'big island', meanwhile, issue stamps and collectables like a banana republic and at far greater cost than does Royal Mail.   Here's one of Australia Post's recent products marking the 30th anniversary of the television programme Gardening Australia

Like Britain's Smilers sheets this costs a little more than the face value, which isn't too exorbitant, but it's the sheer volume and subjects of products.


  1. It is a very nice item. New Zealand Post releases a sensible number of issues during a year which are always well-designed, reasonably priced, relevant to New Zealand and tell the collector about New Zealand’s story. I hope that it doesn’t grow too greedy as some other philatelic entities have done resulting in it ruining its philatelic reputation.

  2. I agree - and the whole sheet is attractive enough to display (RM would of course put it in a frame and charge £49.99)

  3. As Mr. Punch might say, "That's the way to do it!"

  4. The New Zealand 'Lord of the rings' stamps were exemplary.


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