This is unlikely to be the full list of M18L-coded stamps as there are likely to be more reprints early in 2019, and maybe other new stamps, but this is the definitive list for now. The Checklist is being updated but a new version will not be uploaded before Christmas.
In this revised table, changes are highlighted in yellow, and variants only seen with a UV lamp are inset so a simplified listing can exclude those. All these, except for last year's 50p and Special Delivery 100g SBP2 which were found early this year, are printed by Walsall.
2911.8 2nd class counter sheet, bright blue phosphor
2911.8a 2nd class counter sheet, dull blue phosphor
2911B.8 2nd class business sheet
2913.8 2nd Large counter sheet, blue phosphor
2913.8a 2nd Large counter sheet, blue phosphor yellow fluorescence
2913B.8 2nd Large business sheet
2914a.8 1st class counter sheet, yellow phosphor
2914a.8a 1st class counter sheet, blue phosphor yellow fluorescence
2914a.8b 1st class counter sheet, blue phosphor only
2914aB.8 1st class business sheet
2916a.8 1st Large counter sheet, blue phosphor
2916a.8a 1st Large counter sheet, pale blue phosphor, pale yellow fluorescence
2916aB.8 1st Large business sheet
2985.8 100g Special Delivery
2986.8 500g Special Delivery
3001.8 1p maroon, blue phosphor yellow fluorescence
3001.8a 1p maroon, blue phosphor only
3002.8 2p green, yellow phosphor
3002.8a 2p green, blue phosphor yellow fluorescence
3005.8 5p maroon, yellow phosphor
3010.8 10p orange, yellow phosphor
3010.8a 10p orange, blue phosphor yellow fluorescence
3010.8b 10p orange, blue phosphor only
3020.8 20p bright green, yellow phosphor
3020.8a 20p bright green, blue phosphor yellow fluorescence
3101.8 £1 wood brown, yellow phosphor
3101.8a £1 wood brown, blue phosphor yellow fluorescence
3125.8 £1.25 green, blue phosphor
3125.8a £1.25 green, blue phosphor yellow fluorescence
3145.8 £1.45 dove-grey, blue phosphor
3145.8a £1.45 dove-grey which fluoresces yellow, blue phosphor
3145.8b £1.45 dove-grey, blue phosphor, & yellow fluorescence to grey & iridescent ink
3155.8 £1.55 greenish-blue, blue phosphor
3225.8 £2.25 purple, blue phosphor
3265.8 £2.65 bluish-violet, blue phosphor
2931.8 2nd class retail booklet of 12 MTIL
2933.8 2nd Large retail booklet of 4 MFIL
2936a.8 1st class retail booklet of 8 MTIL
2936aC.8 1st class mixed booklet of 6 MCIL blue phosphor
2936aC.8a 1st class mixed booklet of 6 MCIL blue phosphor, yellow fluorescence on SBP2
2936aC.8b 1st class mixed booklet of 6 MCIL blue phos, yellow fluor on inverted SBP1
2936aS.8 1st class retail booklet of 6 MSIL on SBP2
2936aS.8a 1st class retail booklet of 6 MSIL on SBP1
2937a.8 1st Large retail booklet of 4 MFIL
3702P.8 1st class vermilion from WWI PSB MPIL
4001P.8 1p maroon from Harry Potter PSB MPIL
4002P.8 2p green from RAF PSB M_IL
4005P.8 5p dull red-brown from RAF PSB M_IL
4020P.8 20p bright green from Harry Potter PSB MPIL
4050P.8 50p slate from Harry Potter PSB MPIL
4117P.8 £1.17 vermillion from RAF PSB M_IL
4125P.8 £1.25 green from Harry Potter PSB MPIL
Also, with M17L year code:
2985.7a 100g Special Delivery on SBP2
3051.7 50p slate counter sheet
Some Bristol Postcards
Black Boy Hill, the upper part of Whiteladies Road, was named after the
Black Boy Inn which stood on the hill until 1874. The Inn was named after
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