You can find all these by going to our shop and clicking on 'Recent Additions'. Several important points:
- We will be on holiday from June 1 - 17, so no Anniversary products will be despatched until week commencing June 19th.
- Because of this you may wish to order and delay your payment until our return. In this case choose any payment option other than Card or PayPal.
- We have prepared a number of first day covers and they are at the Royal Mail Philatelic Handstamp Centres for processing and return. If you chosen FDC is shown as out of stock, please email us and we will try to obtain more.
- The
easiest way to obtain all the stamps issued as part of this commemoration is to buy the Prestige Stamp Book and the Golden Anniversary MS. Depending on your degree of specialisation the book contains between 10 and 22 new stamps, the only duplication being the 2 x 20p double-headed stamps, and the 4 x £1 gold. We realise that if you buy the book to break up you may not want the duplicates, especially if you are not in the UK and cannot use the extra £1 stamps for postage. For this reason we are offering the book with only one £1 stamp at a reduced price, as this saves us a lot of time in breaking the book up into individual stamps. Use the option 'Reduced book'.
- At this stage the only single stamp we are offering is the 1st class deep scarlet MSIL stamp from the retail booklet. Depending on feedback we may sell other stamps singly in due course.