Thursday 13 April 2017

Why do they do that? It's Safety First!

Ever wondered why some of your letters from us come adorned with margins from old prestige book panes, like this?

It's not just to make them colourful - sometimes we use black and white pictures!   I bought two boxes of these DL envelopes some time ago, thinking they would be ideal for the job, especially sending Post and Go strips, or blocks of definitives.

The very first one was delivered with the invoice inside, but no stamps, and an opened end.  I've seen these sent by other people and they were all delivered without mishap, but the 'easy-opening' system on ours proved too much for the machinery at the mail centres, and the end burst.  This is what it looks like under the add-on:

So, I couldn't risk any more mishaps, and due to selling single stamps from the panes I always have plenty of gummed paper left over, so there you have it.  It might be Beatrix Potter, football, Churchill,  James Bond, etc.  Or ti might just be adhesive tape.  You never know what you'll get.  Puzzle no more, and have a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. The top envelope looks great in my hand down here in New Zealand Thank you Ian


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