This really is a quick news update after my visit to the Southern England Stamp Show at Farnborough yesterday. I certainly know why Norvic Philatelics don't have stands at fairs - travelling to work is too much at my age!
Farnborough was good: left home before 6am, got back just after 8pm after diversions for passengers. And if you want a nice reliable economical car, the diesel Renault Scenic (60-plate) returned 55 mpg for the 350 mile-round trip. (Of course that's without the new Blue technology that adds so much to costs of filling up.) Great to meet fellow-dealers, readers, and people who couldn't work out why the new me - but good to chat anyway!
While we were out, the 2nd class book of 12 (see below) sold out, joining the 1st class which we were also out of, having only added them last Tuesday! Good news is, the 1st class books are back in stock (including cylinder books), and we should have more 2nd class by the end of the week. Sorry we couldn't get enough for you all at the outset: depends on what is in the PO branch, and what they get replenished with when all the new books have been bought.
From the show, we have some spare Jersey Post and Go stamps with the special inscription on the Jersey Arms, and also some Jersey Shells pictorials (as at Stampex, but with March datastring).
The Guinness World Record for a Stamp Mosaic was duly broken, and recorded, and the promised souvenir produced. More about this tomorrow, and more pictures as soon as I get them. UPDATE here.
One type of the Isle of Man Triskelion variable-value stamps (like Post and Go but not Post and Go) is temporarily sold out from our shop; I will try to find some more supplies.
Finally, a new version of our Security Machin Checklist is now available, right up to date but excluding the new tariff stamps due before the end of the month. See the link in the right-hand column
And if you spot anything wrong, do please send me an email!
2692. 🇸🇬 Singapore Features Kebaya Costumes.
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4 April 2025 - ‘Multinational inscription of Kebaya on UNESCO’ - Kebaya
(traditional blouse-dress combination...