The trial will run from 1 September and 30 November 2015 and gives Direct Marketers the chance to measure the effectiveness of using a mark on their mailings (also referred to as junk mail) which appears to be a stamp.
Two designs are available, the Machin and Alice in Wonderland 2nd class stamps:
Companies using these for this short trial have to satisfy Royal Mail conditions for artwork and reproduction, but otherwise their mail will be handled in the same way as usual.
Royal Mail Wholesale hopes customers using these new designs will share details of their campaign testing results with them. The success of the trial will determine whether the new digital stamp indicia will be introduced permanently, most likely to customers using Royal Mail Wholesale's Mailmark service.
UPDATE 9 February 2016
These images have been provided by MM on some mail from Norwich:
These were provided last year but I can't see that I put them on the blog earlier, sorry:

No reports of any with the Alice stamp on yet.
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