Wednesday 1 July 2015

Shaky start for New Revenue Protection Handstamp

Royal Mail's new 'Revenue Protection' cancellation device (reported here) has got off to an inauspicious start.

In an attempt to stop uncancelled stamps being delivered on packets, and as an alternative to this:

Royal Mail introduced this device, producing this type of cancellation:

Sadly the initial results are not promising. Whilst this is fine


the stamps on this special delivery letter had already been postmarked with the Great Glen Post Office counter datestamp - so there was no need for either Glasgow or Southampton Mail Centre to vandalise them with the new device:

And the some of the stamps are tied to the envelope, so the postmark is quite clear for all to see!


  1. Amazed to actually see any stamps on an SD letter!

    1. You, too, can do that if you buy the stamps first. No reason why not - I send and receive loads of them.


      shocking, I guess fine used will become a thing of the past

    3. Actually this is a great example of modern Postal History, especially in the Revenue Protection/Postage Due area.

  2. Ian, the stamp cancellation units are used in delivery offices. The chances are that your local DO had a hand in this.


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