Friday 22 May 2015

New slogan postmark for the Irish Golf Open

Royal Mail is marking this year’s Dubai Duty Free Irish Open, hosted by the Rory Foundation, by issuing a special postmark to commemorate the event at Royal County Down Golf Club in Newcastle from 28-31 May 2015.

"The postmark, which says ‘Dubai Duty Free Irish Open’, will appear on stamped mail across Northern Ireland for the duration of the event. "

Royal Mail's Press Office confirms that this postmark will only be applied on domestic mail within Northern Ireland.  This picture has been extracted from a publicity photograph of a mock-up envelope.


  1. Royal Mail News Has tweeted: @royalmailnews: Expecting post from NI next week? Look out for our special postmark celebrating the Irish Open from Thur - Sun:

    So is it being used on mail within NI or all mail posted in NI?

    1. I specficially asked the question and got a specific answer which may or may not have been accurate! I'll follow up on twitter.

  2. Nice bit of advertising for Dubai Duty Free, was given free by Royal Mail or was it paid for?


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