Wednesday 27 May 2015

Another new 2015 Machin definitive appears.

The latest Machin security stamp to appear this year is the 1st class Large from business sheets.  Both this and the 2nd class Large have a printing date of 23/02/15.

This new stamp (Norvic 2916B.5) will be listed in our shop as soon as we have sufficient stock.  Like the 1st Large booklet stamp, although some stock has been found, these stocks are very small.

As the microscopic images show, we will need to be very careful next year identifying MA16 stamps, as these MA15 are not very clear.

Meanwhile we have more of the 2nd Large business sheet which is back once again available on the shop.

1 comment:

  1. I'd go as far as to say that image shows MA16!


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