Tuesday 7 January 2014

Stamp booklet in February will be Football not Locos

As many readers will now have their Philatelic Bulletin for January I thought I would clarify some of the information it contains.

The retail booklet issued on 20 February (see page 130) will contain 4 x 1st Machins and 2 x 1st Footballers, not Locomotives.  (The retail booklet is not mentioned on pages 133/4).

For the Spring Blooms Faststamps (page 135) the Post and Go terminals in '146 branches of the Post Office' will dispense Faststamps with their usual branch code, not a 'philatelic Post and Go Code'.

Also, on page 140, John Holman's write-up says that the Spring Blooms are issued on the third day of Stampex: they are actually issued on the first day of Stampex. (Thanks Doug for pointing this out.)

For those interested in PO Training School material here is a different registration label to that shown on page 151 of the Bulletin, and a SPECIMEN postmark.


  1. Not sure if I'm reading this correctly or simply just confused: The January 'Bulletin' page 140 includes the sentence "The Classic Locomotives of Wales and Post & Go Spring Blooms stamps are issued on the second and third days of the show". The show opens (first day) on the 19th. So I agree that the Locos will be on the second day, the 20th. BUT on page 137 (and on this blog) the Spring Blooms are in machines every day (i.e. not the third day).
    Doug (Enfield)

    1. I missed that error in the Bulletin. Faststamp issues have been shifted from Day 3 to Day 1 for both Spring and Autumn Stampex.

      Thanks Doug


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