Friday 6 January 2012

How did Birds 2 Faststamps get to Yeovil Post Office ?

As reported here, the upgrade to version 2 of the Post and Go machines has produced 40g versions of the Birds 4, Birds 3 and even Birds 2 Faststamps.

Now we've evidence that Birds 2 was being sold at Yeovil just after before* and after Christmas - and that office wasn't even on the Birds 2 original list.  So how did this arise?  Are there still stocks at Swindon awaiting distribution?
* We've been told of Yeovil sales on 23 December.

 Thanks to Roy for this report!


  1. Harrogate V2 40g Birds 2 reported.

  2. Rumours of BIRDS 1 reported now on 40g V2.....

    1. We've had rumours for a while but nothing substantial. Any news of location? Email me if you don't want to put it here.

  3. No location - just a 'grapevine' rumour - likely to be correct...when/if I hear more, will share. Maybe someone else can substantiate?


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