Saturday 3 April 2010

Golden Machin Horizon labels coming to Wales soon.

Aur Machin Horizon labeli yn dod i Gymru yn fuan.

According to the Postagelabelsuk blog, April 12/13th will see the Horizon labels with Gold Machin printing introduced to Wales.   

The overprint that will be bilingual from some offices, although some offices in Wales print only in English for some reason.   There are currently also two types of overprint in use – one from the original Horizon-enabled Post Offices and the other narrower typeface on some lines in Branches that have been upgraded to ‘Horizon Online’. 

Unlike the Camden trial, these labels will be used for all classes of mail, not just Special Delivery.

There is no official first day of issue of these as they will be supplied to replace white labels as needed. Distribution will commence from April 12th 2010, giving a potential First Day of Use of around the 13th April.

The labels are from a different print run than that used as Camden Town, but it remains to be seen if there are any visual differences!   Watch this space - tell us what you find!  A prize for the first person to send me one, or a genuinely used one you have received.

Update 20.4.10
Received a packet (1PK) today from LL30 (Llandudno, Conwy), with branch code 27614 - they are still using white labels, although I was pleased to see it is bilingual.  Last one I sent from north Wales near Llangollen was in English, even though the PO was in Wales!

1 comment:

  1. Here in Newcastle Emlyn PO they are still using up the ordinary white lables, but the small PO in Henllan and Penrhiwllan nearby are using these gold lables - I've been sending packets within UK and out to US and Australia with them on. Michael Martin


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