Wednesday 10 April 2024

April 2024 slogan postmarks and other interesting postal markings.

I expect the current default slogan is for Royal Mail's staff-chosen charity, the British Heart Foundation, but the absence of any stamped letters at Norvic HQ, and none from correspondents suggests that nothing exceptional has been seen anywhere!

In the event that there are any, this will be where we will show the slogans in use in April 2024, along with any other interesting postal material.

One slogan I will expect is for St George's Day on 23 April.  This is likely to be another 'one-day wonder', used on Monday 22nd only.

UPDATE 30 April: Thanks to KD here we have a single example of the St George's Day postmark from Gatwick Mail Centre

St George's Day slogan postmark Gatwick Mail Centre 22/04/2024

UPDATE 13 May - We had some good legible examples of the default slogan here in April, and show them for the record.  From the top, Peterborough Mail Centre 20-04-2024, Norwich Mail Centre 29-04-2024, and the reverse format on a square envelope from BA, BS, GL, TA Mail Centre (ie Bristol) 30/04/2024.

Peterborough Mail Centre 20-04-2024, Norwich Mail Centre 29-04-2024, and the reverse format from Bristol 30/04/2024.


SS has sent an image of another cover sent to him in Canada, again showing how the Post Office branch has cancelled the stamps before sending the letter on to the mail centre.  This one is from TAVISTOCK DEVON 18 AP 24

Tavistock Devon self-inking date stamp 18 April 2024

No postmark is necessary on Horizon labels, so although this is not strictly relevant to the post, I can report that the first King Charles III Horizon label has arrived at Norvic HQ.

King Charles III Horizon Label from Cheshire to Norfolk 2/04/24


If you have any other slogans used this month, or any other interesting postal markings from any period or place, please send them to the email address in the top right of this blog.  Thank you.

Remember, all postmarks appearing in April will be added to this post, so check here before you spend time scanning and emailing. 

If anybody has anything else for April, please provide it soon as we will be marching into May now!

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