Tuesday 10 January 2023

Norvic Machin Security Stamps Checklist version 2.6.7

Experts have now established that the Machin definitive stamps in the Tutankhamun PSB are printed in lithography, so although we don't know how Stanley Gibbons will catalogue them, we have now produced an updated list which may even be the last.

Only four things could really affect our publication now:

1. New printings of existing Queen Elizabeth Machins in 2023 with a year code of M23L.  This is unlikely, although as Royal Mail seem to be having to use a great number of existing barcoded stamps in their Swap-Out scheme I suppose we should not rule it out.  We know that 2022 printings are still appearing - although some of the recent discoveries date back to April.

2. New values due to new tariff.  This seems even less likely.  One would imagine that preparations for the design of new definitives have been in place for decades even if the possible design has been changed over the years as King Charles has got older.  With the coronation due on 6 May it is likely that new definitives will be issued earlier, in time for the new tariff which - if Royal Mail are losing as much money as they say they are - is more likely to be February/March than June.

3. A new Prestige Stamp book containing new values.  The first issue of the new year, all 'blockbuster' issues, and Music Giants have included PSBs - until this latest one.  Whilst not conclusive evidence, this suggests to me that there are no plans to have PSBs - or maybe no plans to have Machins in them - until after the definitives for the King are issued.  

Because nothing is ever certain, I'll consider a fourth reason - that somebody discovers something not yet reported, from the security period 2009-2022!  New date printings of listed stamps are not added unless there is something significant about them.

Download from the link above or from the link in the right-hand navigation column, where you can also find the link to our sales lists if you have any Machin or Country definitive gaps to fill.


  1. So if my maths is correct we have 3 types of barcoded machins, those from counter sheets, including those from unsung heroes PSB without MPIL, Transformers PSB printed in Gravure & Tutankhamun PSB printed in Litho.

  2. Counter sheets - gravure MAIL
    Business Sheets -gravure MBIL
    Booklets - gravure MEIL MFIL
    Of the last they exist MAIL gravure, MPIL gravure, MPIL Litho - and more to come.

  3. Thnx for correcting me Ian much appreciated

  4. Information from a certain Stamp website would indicate that PSB's are planned for the X-Men on 16/02/2023, and the Flying Scotsman on 09/03/2023. No further details

  5. Any confirmation of the above news yet ? From anywhere?

  6. RM Advice note for the X-Men show the price of the PSB as £19.95 (YB112). Contents still not known. X-Men PSB FDC priced £4.70 (HF104)

    1. Pictures of the PSB on the Royal Mail site this morning show a pane with two 2nd Class and two £1 datamatrix Machins, so maybe more M23L (and MPIL) examples will appear…..

    2. Ah, thanks Ian.

  7. Looks like RM will increase postage rates on 27th March 2023. So any new definitives / country are likely to be issued around 21st March

    1. Where does it look like RM will increase postage rates on 27th March 2023?


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