Tuesday 26 April 2022

Stanley Gibbons Catalogue Numbers for Datamatrix Stamps

Several readers have asked if I can post the SG Catalogue numbers for the new stamps.  These have been listed in the latest Gibbons Stamp Monthly.

Not surprisingly, a number change is the first thing as the 2nd class blue business sheet stamp was given a U number - with all the new stamps it is logical to allocate a new series of stamps as they have with booklets.   The 2nd class blue business sheet changes from U4500 to V4500.

This is the full list so far, and these numbers will be included in our Checklist.

Changed numbers shown in blue

Counter Sheets - no source code
V4525    2nd  emerald MAIL
V4526    1st deep violet MAIL
V4527    2nd Large grey-green MAIL
V4528    1st Large greenish-blue MAIL

Booklet and Business Sheets - with source codes
V4500    2nd blue MBIL
V4501    2nd emerald MBIL
V4502    2nd emerald MEIL
V4505    1st dp violet MBIL
V4506    1st dp violet MEIL
V4507    1st dp violet MFIL
V4511    2nd Large grey-green MBIL
V4512    2nd Large grey-green MFIL
V4515    1st Large greenish-blue MBIL
V4516    1st Large greenish-blue MFIL

[Airmail] counter sheet stamps with solid background
V4600  £1.85 grey-brown
V4610  £2.55 blue
V4620  £3.25 purple
V4630  £4.20 bright green

Valued counter sheet stamps, ie with no source code
V4700  1p blue
V4702  2p deep green
V4705  5p dull violet-blue
V4710  10p turquoise-green
V4720  20p bright green
V4750  50p slate
V4780  £1 grey-brown
V4800  £2 new-blue
V4820  £3 purple
V4840  £5 emerald

UPDATE 6 November

Other valued stamps, with source codes  (note: the 50p and £1 from the World War Heroes PSB (DY43) had source 'code' A (MAIL) in error). 

V----   50p MPIL from Transformers PSB DY44
V----   £1 MPIL from Transformers PSB  DY44 - two versions, one with part of label design encroaching on the stamp at the foot.


TB1    1st x 4
TC1    2nd x 8
TD1    1st x 8
TE1    2nd Large x 4
TF1    1st Large x 4

The latest, low value, high value, and new tariff stamps issued on 4 April are too new to have had numbers allocated.  I suspect they may be a new range, maybe 455- or 46--.  I'll update this when we know.

Update: now that we have the 4 April numbers it is good to see that the catalogue editors have been forward looking and have left gaps in the numbering for future values.  However, whilst this is most likely for the airmail stamps (4600 series), it seems quite unlikely for the others, especially the low values.


  1. Interesting that no TA booklet at present. Could this be the prefix for the new PSBs ?

  2. Any ideas why V4503 is missing?

  3. In answer to Trelantis - presumably that's reserved for "2nd emerald MFIL" (perhaps a necessary addition after the next price rise makes MEIL too expensive for the ordinary purchase??)

    1. A very plausible suggestion, thanks Richard.

    2. Thanks Robert, that seems very plausible

  4. Probably V4503 is reserved for 2nd emerald MFIL. This would also explain why TA is missing (TA1 could be 2nd x 4). It would fit perfectly into the sequence.

  5. A bit too late for the renumbering of 2nd class MBIL my Windsor update pages were printed with U4500.

  6. I think V4503 is being reserved for a custom booklet stamp MCIL maybe in the pipeline

  7. I must admit that the date codes on the 1st large & 2nd large are very hard to see plainly, the 1st & 2nd printing overlaps the date.

  8. The June GSM has just landed on my mat and it includes the catalogue numbers for the fixed-value barcoded stamps. The way SG have chosen to list them comes as a bit of a surprise. I can add the listing if people ask, but I don't want to tread on Ian's toes!

    1. Mine arrived today as well, John, so I'll be adding them later, thanks.

  9. A gap between V4700 & V4702? What can come between 1p & 2p ?

    1. Like I said, what else is likely to be issued in the low value range?

  10. Excuse my ignorance but can someone please explain the booklet codes for me ie TA TB1 etc etc?

    1. Codes are codes, Peter, they don't have an explanation.
      The last series in the Concise are the SA series for 'Smilers' greetings stamps (following the RA-RC series of 4 x 1st class Large). These are simply using the next letter available and starting with A, B, etc for the different values - as with HA, HB, HC, HD and so on.

    2. Ahhh ok thank you Ian

  11. It seems that SG had a bit of a rethink on the V series numbering - the 2022 Concise shows some changes from the GSM listing: V4504-4506 are now V4505-4507, V4508-4509 have become V4511-V4512 and V4510-4511 are now V4515-4516. The other numbers have been left unchanged. This now leaves space for new code letters for all NVIs.

  12. With 1450 old Machins swapped for 641 of the barcoded ones I've noticed the printing dates and though the denominated make up values appear to be printed over three days [ 1p 2p 5p 10/01/22 , 20p 11/01/22 , £1 12/01/22 , they had run out of 10p ( disappointing as useful with a 1st for the basic 2nd Large Letter at £1.05 ) , my 50ps weren't from that position in the sheet ] the 1st and 2nd, of which vast numbers must have been printed, are both shown as 01/12/21.


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