Friday 4 February 2022

February slogans and other interesting postmarks and postal markings

Thank you to everybody who has contributed with images of the latest postmark, which started in January.  Now that the clamour surrounding barcodes has died down it is time to get back to normality (for a while!).

As always, ALL postmark news for the month will be added here, so please check here before you send images which we may have already reported: variations, of course, are always welcome!

And anything else in the postmark and postal markings line, is welcome as well.

Celebrating the Queen's accession in 1952 this will be useful for first day covers.  Thanks to JH for the Jubilee Mail Centre, probably 01-02-2022, RW for North & West Yorkshire reversed on 31/01/2022, and I'm sorry but I can't find who sent the Lancs & S Lakes.  Other readers sent other examples during my silence, thank you!

Accession Day
6th February
70th Anniversary

Accession Day postmark slogan, North & West Yorkshire reversed layout 31/01/2022

Accession Day postmark slogan, Jubilee Mail Centre 03/02/2022

UPDATE 5 February.  With The Queen having safely reached the anniversary of her Accession, Royal Mail moves on.  This is National Apprenticeship Week, with a new slogan.

Apprenticeship Week
7-13 February

Two examples so far from opposite ends of the country.  The four-line version from Aberdeen Mail Centre 04-02-2022 sent by MM, and the five-line version from Plymouth and Cornwall 04/02/2022 from RW.

National Apprenticeship Week slogan from Aberdeen Mail Centre 04-02-2022

National Apprenticeship Week slogan from Plymouth and Cornwall (Mail Centre) 04-02-2022

UPDATE 9 February. It's unusual to have two 'weeks' commemorated in one, and it begs the question just when the above slogan is running, given that another one started on 7 February.  Marking Payroll Giving Week, it will either run in parallel or replace the Apprenticeship one.

Payroll Giving
Week 2022
7th- 13th February

Examples on our own post from Greenford/Windsor Mail Centre 07/02/2022 and the other format from Exeter Mail Centre 08-02-2022 courtesy of JH.

Payroll Giving Week postmark slogans from Greenford/Windsor Mail Centre 07/02/2022 and from Exeter Mail Centre 08-02-2022

UPDATE 11 February: Yet another new slogan this week, now supporting the greetings card industry, this time for Valentine's Day.  Thanks to RW for the Tyneside NE/SR Mail Centre and LT for the clearer one from Nottingham Mail Centre both dated 09/02/22

Send a little love
this ♥︎
Valentine's Day
♥︎ ♥︎ February 14

Valentine's Day slogan postmark, Nottingham Mail Centre 09/02/2022

Valentine's Day slogan postmark, Tyneside NE/SR Mail Centre 09/02/2022

UPDATE 16 February.  Its a while since I was sent a good image of Royal Mail's default slogan, the one that they use when they have no specific campaign to publicise.  So here is 

supporting youth
mental health with

from Nottingham Mail Centre 12/02/2022 (thank you RW).

Supporting youth mental health, Action for Children slogan used 12/02/2022 in Nottingham.

UPDATE 1 March: the last slogan for February marks the 25th anniversary of World Book Day, which falls on 3 March 2022. 


25th anniversary
3 March 2022

World Book Day 25th anniversary slogan used at Greenford/Windsor Mail Centre 28/02/2022

Other variants of this (though used in February) are shown in the March post.


Greenford/Windsor Mail Centre applied the 'do not recognise the stamp' version of their ink-jet postmark to one of the new Platinum Jubilee stamps this week!

UPDATE Feb 16th: Larry T has sent a picture of a recent use of the wavy-line canceller which was introduced to cancel stamps missed by the machinery.  It looks like an external ink-pad was used, and the whole frame of the device has been pressed into the inkpad, thus producing the frame.

UPDATE February 22nd: A surprise use of a Universal machine has been reported.  Although no year is shown, just 15-II, this die from Jubilee Mail Centre is on one of last year's Rugby Union stamps so it must be 2022.  The lettering at the foot (top) is KT-TW-GU for Kingston-upon-Thames, Twickenham and Guildford.

Universal wavy line postmark with inverted outer ring in date/place unit used 15 II 2022 at Jubilee Mail Centre.

Remember, all postmarks appearing in February will be added to this post, so check here before you spend time scanning and emailing.  I'll try to add new ones as quickly as possible.

We now move on to March.

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