Saturday, 18 April 2020

What's happening online? Look and Learn.

A number of clubs, societies and others are making some content available online free to all, at least for a limited period.

I haven't found much from UK organisations yet, but I'll be quite happy to share anything that is reported to me.  I hope you find this useful, and will add any others that you find.  It's a potentially cheaper option then browsing eBay!

Epson & Ewell PS have a couple of presentations and are adding more, I believe.

London's Postal Museum has a few videos inclding a virtual tour of MaiLRail, and there is a selection of short and long reads. You can also watch the Night Mail film here

UK Exhibits - Graham Winters, PTS Chairman, has started putting some short videos on YouTube.  There is no pretence that this are slick, they are produced (I think) with a mobile phone and Graham is doing a commentary of what is on his exhibition pages, usually 12-sets.  But there are some tips for exhibitors, and the subjects include Aerophilately, Canadian Pacific Railway Stationery Cards, and Maximaphily.

On Maximum Cards you can browse a British selection from 2019 here including the Birds of Prey. 

H.T. Harmer are digitizing their auction catalogues.  The catalogues cover the sales of famous collections from well-known philatelists, like Liechtenstein, Dale and even Present Franklin Roosevelt.  The oldest currently on line dates from 1946 and is, of course, in black & white. More recent catalogues are in full colour and show some cracking covers and stamps.

The Collectors Club of New York has a long run of videos of past presentations (the one I watched ran to 45 minutes).  Not all about US: a trio of subjects taken at random (which I haven't yet watched) Tibet Stamps and Postal History, British Empire Night and The Machin Series: 1971-1996, the initial decimal series

The American Philatelic Society has a YouTube channel which includes a daily StampChat feature.

The April edition of the French monthly magazine L’Γ‰cho de la Timbrologie on the Yvert and Tellier site, i.e. for a limited period, it is freely available to all.  You can download the pdf, and paste it piece by piece into Google Translate.

That's all for now, but I'll update this from time to time.

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