Sunday 5 January 2020

Interrupted service coming.

Ahead of the announcements about the 2020 programme and January's new issue in particular, a warning that there may be periods when we are unable to receive or reply to mail and comments due to some work being done at Norvic Towers.

This may mean that I have to disconnect the wifi router for periods.  As the TV (etc) area will also be inaccessible, we will have to talk to each other, rather than look at our phones, pads, laptops etc.

This will take a few possibly separated days within the next couple of weeks.

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.

Meanwhile over on the Stampboards Forum I have joined others in putting stamp items up for auction in support of the Australian Bushfires appeal.  All money will go to the Salvation Army and then directly to those affected, both victims and firefighters.

The GB 1st class Christmas stamp comes from a De La Rue sheet of 50.

The cyan and black are in one register and the magenta and yellow in another which has produced a really strange effect - pass the 3-D glasses !

Of course this isn't catalogued. I've got one on my shop now for £19.95 (say about AUD37), but I think the original finder sold some for more. If you need a starting bid, I'll start at AU$10.


Bid here - you do have to sign up to the forum, and follow the rules, but they are mostly straightforward and there is much to read and learn - and share.

If you don't want to join but do want to contribute, you can do so by reading this post.  Already over AU$3000 has been contributed with at least AU$2000 pledged through the auctions which have a week to run.

"This shows the CURRENT Bushfires. In EVERY state. Remember Australia has the same land area as the Continental USA, but they have way less than 10% of USA population or resources, to battle these."
Only in the metropolitan areas are the firefighters paid; out in the country areas they are all volunteers.  Their government has offered little more than a token payment to those firefihters who have taken leave from their jobs.  For those who were already unemployed, they aren't paying anything (so far) not even their unemployment benefit 'because they haven't been applying for jobs'!.

When the fire destroys your home, and all your possessions including your truck, AND the afctory where half the population of your town works, you have nothing.

1 comment:

  1. 'Game over' or it should be for whoever thought up this total load of dross(Jan 2020 issue),Royal Mail needs to decide if commemorative's are just for collectors and not for postal use, because another miniature sheet that will never be used on normal mail, they should remove the queens head from these issues and only use definitive's for for franking purposes, then the collectors can decide what they want to buy or not. If this is what the rest of the year is to be like, thank goodness I stopped collecting early last year,


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