Monday 20 August 2018

Horizon and SSK labels compared.

There hasn't been much new to report about Horizon labels of late, and general interest in Post and Go has declined, but on a package containing my new Apple Magic Mouse today, there was a postage label which had me puzzled until I looked back through the blog and remembered the introduction of the horizon-like labels on Post and Go machines or Self-Service Kiosks, first mentioned here.

I don't think I had specifically mentioned that the newer labels are smaller than Horizon labels, which is what attracted my attention to the one on today's package.

The horizon label is 59 x 64 mm and that from the SSK is 56 x 60 mm.  The SSK label as MA17 behind the Queen's head just below the tiara.

The one shown earlier was MA16, and may have been a greener shade, but that may have been a scan setting difference.

Now the task is to remove this new one from the parcel to keep as a record!

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