Monday 5 December 2016

Empty Postmark Bulletin wasn't published.

A message from Royal Mail Special Handstamp Liaison in Edinburgh:
I can confirm that there will be no postmark bulletin issue for the 25th of November. As there were no postmarks to be advertised it was decided not to produce an issue for this date. The next edition will be on the 9th of December which will be the last issue of the year.
As collectors of postmarks and collectors who like to service their own first day covers with one of the sponsored handstamps will know, the number of sponsored postmarks has been declining over the past few years.

I believe this reflects a decline in the sales of first day and other commemorative covers, although some subjects (railways, for instance) still seem to have their followers.  There are fewer first day cover producers than there were even 10 years ago and anybody who goes to Stampex or smaller local stamp fairs will have seen Royal Mail standing order covers being sold at less than 50p no matter what the face value.  Even small limited editions sell for far less than their original cost.

Of course collectors buy for the enjoyment of what they collect, but don't imagine there is a fortune being left to your beneficiaries: they are almost always due for disappointment.

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