Friday 27 May 2016

Slogan Postmarks for May and June 2016

It was my intention to publicise Royal Mail's operational slogan postmarks in monthly batches, but there has been nothing since the 23rd April St George's Day - nothing for The Queen's birthday (thus preventing any FDCs of the new stamps), and nothing to congratulate Leicester City FC on their success this year.  

And now we are nearly at the end of May and I can report the first new slogan, in use at both iSLM and IMP mail centres.

imagine the world

was in use on 25 May (2nd class mail Peterborough MC) and 26 May (1st class mail at Norwich MC):

Also in use at Gatwick MC, but the example I've seen wasn't clear enough to scan.  I'll be pleased to show other examples.

UPDATE: here's the other format from North and West Yorkshire with the Welsh version of 'delivered by', used on 25th May, 1st class.  (Thanks, SW).
UPDATE 2Although Bristol Old Vic was in use before the end of May (see below), South Midlands MC had Hay on 31 May (1st class).

UPDATE 19 July 2016
Hay Festival continued in use at Peterborough Mail Centre until at least 02-06-2016.

UPDATE  2 June 2016

BRISTOL OLD VIC 250 - thanks to Richard R, and Dominic who couldn't read his examples!

This marks the 250th anniversary of the founding of the Bristol Old Vic theatre in 1766.  The lower part of the slogan reads 'Est 1766'.  It's interesting that the slogan makes it so hard to read, as the logo on the BOV website is reproduced in colour on white, as well as white on colour.

A nice clear example from Plymouth and Cornwall MC on 28 May, but the examples from North and West Yorkshire (on a Star Wars MS stamp), and that from Greenford/Windsor MC both on 1 June are more difficult to read.

Few countries in the world don't have some sort of postcode, and I reported almost exactly two years ago that the Republic of Ireland would be introducing the Eircode in the spring of last year.  Well... these things take time and none of my customers has provided an Eircode, but Dominic also sent these two slogans which suggest that it may have been introduced already or will be very soon - the official website says they were launched in July 2015.

So here are the reminders from Cork and Dublin:

UPDATE 13 June.  Thanks to DP for sending examples of both versions of the 2016 Father's Day slogans, one from Bristol Mail Centre, one from Jubilee, both dated 11 June 

Week-commencing 20 June Royal Mail announced a slogan to welcome Asrtronaut Tim Peake back to earth.  (Details here.

UPDATE 19 July
Belatedly I've been given a copy of the final slogan for June which was, I imagine in widespread use, but little reported.   Armed Forces Day / 25 June 2016 was in use at Peterborough MC on 2nd class mail on 23-06-2016.  I suppose it was also in use on 24 June on 1st class mail.


  1. Can't beat a good Sloagn!

    1. Well spotted, and thank you. Try to catch the typos, but often forget the healdine (sic)

  2. Everywhere seems to be using the Father’s Day cancel except Belfast, which is still using the ‘ Please remember to write the postcode clearly’ cancel!

    Have An Post and Royal Mail joined forces to push awareness of the Eircode/Postcode?


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