Monday 9 November 2015

Hong Kong Exhibition Post and Go Stamps Have New Printer.

As previously announced Royal Mail will have Post and Go Machines A008 and A009 vending
the Hong Kong stamp from the Sea Travel set, issued in September, as well as the Union Flag, at the Hong Kong International Stamp Show, 20-23 November 2015.

Included in the announcement was this line: 
The Hong Kong stamp reels will be produced on a digital press rather than the original gravure printing. 
Royal Mail have confirmed that this refers only to the basic stamps without machine printing.  Instead of a long print run in gravure, this will be a shorter print run not in litho, but with a digital printer.  We can expect the same situation to apply for the New York exhibition next year.

A GB-printed version will be available from Tallents House and we can expect this to be on the same digitally-printed base stamps.
This may not be the case, see comments.  I am seeking confirmation.


  1. Ian

    I tried to order from TH only to be told it has now been decided they will not be handling this issue!

    John Embrey

  2. Just had a phone call from TH to say they are after all supplying this issue!

    john embrey

  3. Both the Hong Kong Skyline (ZS040) and Union Flag (ZS041) Labels are now on the Royal Mail Website

    1. GB version "Hong Kong Skyline" are printed on the same digitally printed stock as HK version. RM has not made two printing runs for the labels.
      Union Flags sold in HK are undated. Thomas

  4. I just got my set from the exhibition hall in Hong Kong - 4 stripes. 2 from each machine... quite expensive I must say!

    1. British postage rates are higher than those in Hong Kong, which are known to be amongst the lowest. The cost of the strip reflects that.

    2. The high costs did not discourage many local (or regional: from mainland China etc) collectors to buy the 2 (or 4) sets.

  5. The RM website says the Flags are printed digitally too. Is this likely?

    1. I wouldn't have thought that there would be any need for that.

    2. No - they are not. A typical "cut and paste" error. Happens myself as well when writing price lists...

    3. Until now there are 5 Post & Go stamps printed digitally.

    4. Is that the five values on the UK Skyline design or five different designs?

    5. There are 6 values in the set but only the Hong Kong stamp is being sold in Hong Kong

    6. Post & Go stamps printed digitally and already issued:
      1. Qatar definitive issue
      2. Qatar definitive with colored overprint of GCC exhibition
      3. Gibraltar Christmas tree
      4. Gibraltar Christmas Reindeer
      5. UK Hong Kong Skyline
      All 5 designs with glossy coating.
      In addition 2 cinderellas from Singpex (two printing runs: with and without coating).

    7. Ah, that makes more sense. No Royal Mail issues before Hong Kong to GB collectors to concern themselves with. Thanks Thomas.

  6. The UK Post & Go "Hong Kong Skyline" is digitally printed and has a glossy coating. While this enhances the general appeal of the stamp, it prevents stamp ink of quickly drying - beware. For this reason future Post & Go in digital print will have no more glossy coating. Thomas


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