Wednesday 15 October 2014

Advertising comes back to Slogan Postmarks - Man Booker Prize

From Press Release:

"Royal Mail is to issue a special postmark to celebrate the winning author of the 2014 Man Booker Prize for Fiction.  

Richard Flanagan received the prestigious literary award for his novel The Narrow Road to the Deep North from HRH The Duchess of Cornwall, at a ceremony at London’s Guildhall.

Mr Flanagan was one of six authors who were shortlisted for the prize.

Royal Mail’s postmark will appear on millions of items of mail delivered nationwide from tomorrow to Saturday" - which means it will be applied from today, 15 October 2014.

It's good for postmark collectors to have something different to look for, but I question whether this is appropriate, since Royal Mail abandoned slogan postmark advertising for specific products some decades ago.  It's not even as if the slogan marks a success for a British author: Flanagan is Tasmanian.  As the press release also notes:

Winning the £50,000 prize brings an author international recognition, not to mention a dramatic increase in book sales.

Here is one version of the postmark:

and the other

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