Barbara Mary Ward (23 May 1914 – 31 May 1981), later Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth, was a British economist and writer interested in the problems of developing countries. She urged Western governments to share their prosperity with the rest of the world and in the 1960s turned her attention to environmental questions as well. She was an early advocate of sustainable development before this term became familiar and was well known as a journalist, lecturer and broadcaster. Ward was adviser to policy-makers in the UK, United States and elsewhere.
The postmark is in use from today for a week from some mail centres* on mail delivered to parts of the YO (York) postcode area.
* Mail centres with ink-jet postmarks are:
(a) with intelligent Letter Sorting Machines
Aberdeen, Croydon, Dorset and S W Hants (Poole), Edinburgh, Exeter, Glasgow,
Home Counties North (Hemel Hempstead), Jubilee (Hounslow, W London), Medway (Strood, Kent),
Mount Pleasant, Norwich, Peterborough, Sheffield (the only office with IMP and iLSM machines),
South Midlands (Northampton), Swindon, Warrington
(b) with Integrated Mail Processors
Birmingham; Bristol (BA,BS,GL,TA), Belfast (Northern Ireland); Carlisle (Cumbria Dumfries and Galloway); Cardiff (De Dd Cymru SE Wales); Chester (N. Wales Caer Gog. Cymru); Chelmsford (South East Anglia); Gatwick; Greenford/Windsor; Leeds (North and West Yorkshire); Manchester; Newcastle (Tyneside NE/SR); Nottingham; Plymouth and Cornwall; Preston (Lancashire and South Lakes); Romford; Sheffield; Southampton; Swansea (De Orll Cymru SW Wales); Truro (Cornwall); Wolverhampton (North West Midlands)
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