Tuesday 31 December 2013

Second Football Heroes Retail Stamp Book will be issued at Stampex

The original Football Heroes issue included a retail booklet containing the stamps of Bobby Moore (England) and George Best (Northern Ireland) and four 1st class Machin definitives.

The second retail booklet will be issued on 20 February 2014 containing the stamps of John Charles (Wales) and Dave Mackay (Scotland).

At one time Royal Mail said that this booklet would be issued in Autumn 2013 so it is likely that the Machin definitives have the same M13L code as the first booklet. (Contrary to what is reported in the February Philatelic Bulletin p 166.)

UPDATE 27 January:
These special postmarks are available for the booklet, which is issued on the same day as the Classic Locomotives of Wales miniature sheet.  Stampex postmarks will also be available.

Ref 13040 - Swansea - available from Wales & West SHC
Ref 13035 - Edinburgh - available from Scotland and N Ireland SHC, Tallents House
Ref 13033 - Birmingham - available from Midland SHC


  1. BoBBy Moore surely? Booby Moore sounds more interesting though. Happy New Year.

    1. Thank you,my regular proof reader is on holiday!

  2. The year coding will be M13L surely? Not MA13.


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