Tuesday 22 October 2013

Royal Mail Design a Christmas Stamp Slogans - Part 2

Having used special slogan postmarks for the 11 Doctor Whos, and the 11 Football Legends, Royal Mail has now used similar postmarks for the finalists in their Design a Christmas Stamp Childrens Competition.

This is part 2 of the listing; the first part is here

The campaign started on 3 October, with each postmark being in use for one day only (at least that is the plan, but see the detail below), running up to the announcement of the two winners on 31 October, and the issuing of the stamps on 5 November.

Latest text additions will be in blue; images will be slotted in more or less in order.  I've arranged to have covers sent from Shropshire/Wales for the rest of the campaign and hope to be able to provide examples of all.

21 October Danielle Lockie from Newtown St Boswells at Chester and N Wales MC

Here's a better example of that from Cambridge MC - thanks JG!

Also from JG, the 22 October Kristina Pavic from Sheffield slogan from Cambridge MC; also seen from North West Midlands MC but date unclear (could be 23rd).

and 23 October Thomas Donaldson from Hull also from Cambridge MC.

24 October Daniel Payne from Rainham also from Cambridge MC.

25 October Thomas Gaynham from Chelmsford from Chester and N Wales MC (one of mine) and Gatwick MC seen (thanks JC); Bath Bristol Taunton MC reported here;
and also
26 October from Gatwick MC (thanks JG)

28 October Ava Reynolds from Norwich - Chester and N Wales MC, and Cumbria Dumfries and Galloway MC; also Lancashire and South Lakes MC (delivered a day late).
Error - Ava Reynolds from Norwich also used 29 October at Nottingham MC

29 October Ethan Mahal from Derby - Chester and N Wales MC 
(see also 28 October entry)

30 October Morgan Spink from Newark - Cambridge MC

31 October Oliver Miller from Oswestry - Cambridge MC
1 November at Nottingham MC who seem to have been in a different time zone for this campaign

1 November Fred Egerton from Newcastle-under-Lyme - Cambridge MC. Also seen from Cornwall MC - postmarked 5.11pm didn't arrive on Saturday :-(

Most of the Cambridge ones thanks to JG.  And that completes the series.  But if anybody in Wales has any more to show, please send us copies, which will help us to see where they were applied.

Not quite the end, as JG has now sent the last Welsh-language ones from Cambridge to Cardiff, copies dated 30 and 31 October and 1 November.  We still need to see some from Welsh offices other than Chester.

31 October Jayden Roberts / + Nicola Murphy / o Gymru / rhestr fer Cystadleuaeth / Dylunic Stamp Nadolig y / Post Brenhinol

The Fred Egerton postmark, due on 1st November (and 2nd) has been seen in use at North & West Yorkshire on 2nd and 4th, and at North West Midlands on 4th and 8th!

But really late usage goes to North and West Yorkshire who seem to have restarted the campaign after the winners were announced.  Olivia Heller's postmark was supposed to be in use only on 7 November!  (Thanks Bob M)

This list from Royal Mail shows full details with the intended dates of use.  What has been found, however, is that some slogans have been used on more than one date, not always the expected ones.  § Friday dates seem to continue to Saturday (4/5, 11/12, 18/19, 25/26)

intended date
Actual dates
South East
Molly Robson
3 October
3 October
South East
Royal Tunbridge Wells
Olivia Heller
7 October
7, 8 October 
25 November!                     
North West
Bamber Bridge
Tia Dann
8 October
8 - 9 October
North West
Adil Hanney
9 October
9,10 October
Northern Ireland
Corin McCrea
11 October §
11,12 October
Northern Ireland
Niall Conn
10 October
10,11 October
North East
Faye Hughes
14 October
14,15 October
North East
Rowan McAlpine
15 October
15 October
South West
Rosie Hargreaves
17 October
17 October
South West
Finn Alexander
16 October
16,17 October
Archie Hilton
18 October §
18 -19  October
Newtown St Boswells
Danielle Lockie
21 October
21 October
Yorkshire and Humberside
Kristina Pavic
22 October
22 October
Yorkshire and Humberside
Thomas Donaldson
23 October
23 October
Daniel Payne
24 October
24,25 October
Natacha Simpson
4 October §
4-5 October
East of England
Thomas Gaynham
25 October §
25 - 26 October
East of England
Ava Reynolds
28 October
28 October
29 Oct @ NG
West Midlands
Oliver Miller
31 October
31 October
1 Nov @ NG
West Midlands
Fred Egerton
1 November
1, 2 November
4 @ NW Yorks
4,8 @ NW Mids
East Midlands
Morgan Spink
30 October
30 October
East Midlands
Ethan Mahal
29 October
29,30 October

Jayden Roberts

Nicole Murphy
Oct 3-17 in English
Oct 18 – Nov 4 in Welsh
11 October (E)

18,31 Oct (W)
4 Nov (W)


  1. Ava Reynolds (Norwich) was in use on 28th AND 29th October at the Nottingham Mail Centre. Great shame for Ethan Mahal as, living in Derby, Nottingham is very close meaning it probably stopped several friends and family from receiving mail displaying his achievement.

  2. The Oliver Miller from Oswestry postmark was used 1/11/13 - a day late - by Nottingham Mail Centre (once again!).

  3. Oliver Miller's mum-
    Oliver sent out lots card/envelopes to his friends/family... and himself to get his postmark. Unfortunately they went throught the Chester sorting office and were stamped with the Welsh winner's name (for the entire month). How many million letters and we couldnt put our hands on 1!!!..RM kindly sent us a postmark on paper for him to keep :(

    1. That's bad luck - but if they were sent to addresses in Wales then that would have been correct - for some reason known only to Royal Mail (I must ask why) mail from all Mail Centres TO Wales had the postmark for the two Welsh girls.

      Postmarks on mail addressed to England, Scotland and Northern Ireland (and probably abroad) had a different slogan every day (that was the idea anyway).

      If Oliver would like some letters with 'his' postmark on, please send an email to ian@norphil.co.uk and we will arrange something.


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