Friday 18 May 2012

The Flags (Faststamps) are out early at Swiss Cottage

IN providing an update on the situation at various Post & Go offices one of our correspondents on the Pigs discussion announced today that Swiss Cottage post office (North West London*) has the Flag Faststamp in use already (not due for issue until next week!)

Swiss Cottage Branch Office
18 Harben  Parade
Finchley  Road


  1. Harlow Post Office were only sent 1 presentation pack for sale. After 30 minutes trying to purchase was told "Sorry can't sell it to you as we don't have it on our system."!!
    Doug (Enfield)

  2. John G, Cambridge21 May 2012 at 14:59

    I tried to buy the presentation pack this morning in Cambridge St Andrews Street P.O. but it wasn't listed on their till, so they were unable to sell it to me for £0.60, even though they had plenty in stock. However, they could sell it to me as a Birds Post & Presentation Pack for £3.60!

    I complained about overcharging and asked to see the manager, but he said their hands were tied, because they were only allowed to sell philatelic material at prices specified by the till. He gave me a telephone number (08457 22 33 44) to call and this turned out to be the Post Office Customer Help Line.

    They explained that the Flag Post & Go presentation pack was a new product and the till system hadn't been updated! I don't know whether this is a countrywide problem or relates only to Cambridge, but it appears to be yet another way to annoy customers!

    1. A friend of mine brought some packs from his local Post Office which were sold through the Horizon till by selling each one as a 1st class special issue stamp which is really what it is and it is also the same price.

    2. Seems a sensible 'please the customer' solution to a problem that shouldn't have existed in the first place. Where was that, let's give them credit!

  3. No problems at Norwich this morning - in and out in record time as there was only one design to worry about. Machine 2 still won't take £20 notes though; I wonder if any of them do?

    Collector reports that new Flag pack was available and sold yesterday afternoon at Norwich Castle Mall PO.

  4. The post office in the Tesco’s store in Brent Park didn’t have any packs on Wednesday, but their P&G machine had the stamps and only takes cards, a bit silly for a 46p stamp (stamps still being sold at the old rates)


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