Thursday 3 March 2011

Low value Machins - remember, no official FDC for these!

The new low-value self-adhesive Machin stamps are not being distributed to Post Offices until they are needed, so there is no official first day of issue.  They are available from 8 March.   One special postmark is available, at Birmingham.  Note that as special postmarks can only be applied to 1st class mail, additional stamps to the value of 3p must be added to FDCs:

Limited number available in our online shop from 8 March.


  1. RM handstamp liason have confirmed to me that the usual 1st class/41p minimum will NOT be enforced for this issue - so only the basic 38p set needs to be affixed.

  2. Well, wouldn't it have been good if they had told us, as they often do - or used to. They were so adamant that it wasn't a new issue that it never occurred to me to ask.

    Too late!


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