Wednesday 10 November 2010

Machin MA10 - 1st class Large counter sheet reported

We have received a report that the 1st class Large stamp from counter sheets, with MA10 code has been found in Devon.  See the summary of earlier MA10 stamps here.

We are awaiting a picture which will confirm this,
We now have the picture (thanks, Richard) and limited stocks which we are offering to existing customers first. As soon as we have sufficient stock this will be added our online store.


  1. Counter sheet? Is that a new source for this stamp?

  2. This is a new source for the 2010 stamp - or more to the point, this source now exists with MA10 coding.

    1st class large letter stamps have been issued in counter sheets since PIP was introduced in 2006. Then they were gummed. (

    When the security type was issued all counter sheets for those values became self-adhesive. (

  3. I can confirm two printing dates on the 1st class large sheets with MA10 in the security overprint. These are the 15/03/10 and the 16/03/10. These sheet printings are the first to have 10 dates as all previous were printed in 2009. BM


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