Monday 18 October 2021

October updates

I'll use this post for news snippets and to highlight updates made to earlier posts.



The unofficial news site operated by Royal Mail contractor IAR reports that 

machine A002 at the National Museum of the Royal Navy in Portsmouth Dockyard, where HMS Victory is located, will have a ‘Pop Up’ overprint to mark the Battle of Trafalgar.

Overprint on current Union Flag and Machin = Trafalgar Day

The overprint will run from the 21st to 31st October.

UPDATE 21 October: My thanks to cfn for providing these pictures of the Machin and Union Flag stamps, and MB for information that the Machin is MA14 and the flag undated.

 The Commonwealth Stamps Opinion blog (see links below right) reports that:

Guernsey Post’s Post and Go kiosk GG02 located at Envoy House in St Peter Port will dispense strips of the Guernsey Flag stamps with an additional inscription to commemorate the Centenary of the Royal British Legion from 11 to 13 November 2021. 

The inscription will read, “RBL 100/1921-2021’ along with a Poppy icon.

The day of issue coincides with Armistice Day.

Special Stamps

The Rugby Union post has been updated with news of pre-release.

Postal Systems

News about trials of a new layout for ink-jet postmarks has been added to the month's slogan postmarks post.


  1. I am very surprised and disappointed that Royal Mail have failed to recognise the 100th anniversary of The Royal British Legion an organisation that does so much good work fund raising for, and remembering our gallant members of the armed forces, but could celebrate DC comics, terribly bad judgement.

  2. I have just phoned Tallents House to enquire when the Christmas stamp issue will be advertised on the website, to my total dismay I was told there are no pre sales planned for this issue I find this very stgrange do RM want to sell products and make a profit..I don't think so, but according to White Knight blog Ocado have the 1st & 2nd books of 12 for sale on their website on sale from 3rd November

  3. 1st M21L counter sheet stamp is listed for sale on Ebay

    John Embrey


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