Monday 1 June 2015

Magna Carta Slogan Postmark now in use

A new slogan postmark is in use which will allow for slogan FDCs for the Magna Carta stamps issued tomorrow.

The slogan, this one is from Gatwick Mail Centre on 30.05.15, reads

Magna Carta
the foundation
of liberty

I've been assured that this will be in use at both iLSM- and IMP-equipped Mail Centres, so there will be many opportunities to get FDCs with this slogan.

And the other layout:

                     Further comments and updates are here.                    

Update 2 June: From the Press Release:
• The issuing of the Special Stamps and the signing of the Magna Carta will also be recognised with two special postmarks from 2-6 June and on 15 June.

Royal Mail vans will feature one of the stamps in 12 towns linked to the story of the Magna Carta, including Runnymede, Durham, Salisbury and Oxford.

Further slogans will be in use this month for the Battle of Waterloo stamps (which will be issued on 18 June) and for Armed Forces Day which this year is on Saturday 27 June.

I've been told of these dates, presumably 'delivery' dates so actually in use 1-2 days earlier for 1st and 2nd class post respectively.

17 June only:  Battle of Waterloo 200th anniversary
18 June only:  Magna Carta 800th anniversary
25-26 June:  Armed Forces Day
27 June to 3 July: Dog Awareness Week (hope they spell it right this year!) [- Thank you Martin!]

UPDATE 17 June 2015
Well, evidence so far shows that the Magna Carta postmark was used at Birmingham and Southampton Mail Centres on the actual anniversary, 15th June, which seems to make a lot of sense! 

 But it continues at North & West Yorkshire on 16.06.15

It seems unlikely, however, that Chester Mail Centre will be celebrating Magna Carta or the Battle of Waterloo (today), as they are still celebrating the May birth of Princess Charlotte on 16.06.15



  1. Manchester were using the ‘Please use the Postcode’ message on 2/06/15

    1. They were still using this Cancel on the 16th June.

  2. There’s a tweet on Royal Mail Stamps showing a picture one of their vans with Magna Carta stamp ‘adverts’

    It all well and good publicising special stamps in this way, but as a lot ‘Local’ and some main don’t get special stamps (two of my local ‘Mains’ don’t get special stamps and the main operated by their retail partner only get Presentation packs), would Royal Mail’s efforts not be better directed at putting pressure on Post Office to start stocking them in all branches? After all the best publicity is people seeing the stamps themselves.

    1. There's a letter in one of this month's stamp magazines along similar lines. But the problem is... there's no room. The Network Transformation of the Post Office, involving moving branches into local stores *as part of another retail outlet* means they just don't have safe space adjacent to the counter, nor retail advertising space.

      The PO counter in Presteigne, for example, moved from a dedicated (salaried) branch to a pre-existing shop which is also an agency for another parcel carrier!!

  3. Exeter Mail Centre was using,"Stroke" on 15th June, "Waterloo" was in use on the 18th June.

  4. ‘Royal Mail BA, BS, GL & TA’ Mail Centre was using the Stroke slogan yesterday.

  5. Edinburgh Mail Centre, Used "Don't forget Father's Day" on 18th June.


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