Tuesday 18 November 2014

Self-Service Stamp Machines - now Welsh receipts

Coincident with the issue of the Winter Greenery Faststamps on 13 November, machines in Cardiff's St David office have started producing bilingual receipts.  Thanks to Stuart for these pictures.  As this change was unannounced he may be the only person who collected sets with the Welsh receipt on the first day.  (Most users buy stamps for immediate posting, rather than Faststamps.)

This odd error was also produced !


  1. Machine 67 was just giving English receipts when I used it at 11.49. I didnt see Welsh as an option (like you do on Welsh cashpoints) so perhaps machine 70 was the only one doing it?

  2. Post & Go Latest News
    Royal Mail will be temporarily installing a Post & Go machine (A003 and A004) at its Enquiry Offices in Crewe and Bradford North from 3 December 2014. The machines will be in situ until the end of January 2015. The machines will carry the Winter Greenery stamps.
    from http://shop.royalmail.com/stamps-issue-by-issue/post+go-pictorials/icat/cat174

    JE01 series Post & Go machine will be arriving at Jersey Post Headquarters for the lead up to Christmas. The machine will be temporarily located in the foyer at Rue Des Pres from Monday 1 December until the New Year
    from http://iarroyalmailpostandgo.com/latestnews/jersey-post-merry-christmas/


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