Thursday 21 November 2013

Royal Mail Design a Christmas Stamp Slogans - Part 3 Welsh slogans to English addresses

Royal Mail's slogan postmarks for the Design a Stamp Competition finalists are recorded in two earlier posts: first half and second half.  The latest discoveries are so surprising as to warrant a separate blog post (though the previous posts will be updated also).

We understood that the two finalists from Wales would be marked on firstly an English-language postmark and then a Welsh-language postmark which would be applied at all capable mailing centres on mail sent to addresses in Wales.  Imagine my surprise, therefore to be given examples addressed to Norwich!

Jayden Roberts
+ Nicola Murphy
o Gymru
rhestr fer Cystadleuaeth
Dylunic Stamp Nadolig y
Post Brenhinol

Sheffield Mail Centre 29.10.13 06:56 pm
Nottingham Mail Centre (scene of so many errors!) 04.11.13 06:44 pm

Bath Bristol Taunton MC 04.11.13  ?09:06pm

On the lower one the down-stroke of the R in NR7 has failed to write, so interpreting this as NP7 (Newport Mon) seems likely.  But the other two are clearer.  The bar-codes are different on all three.


  1. Talking about errors - I submitted a cover to Tallents House for the Glasgow post mark (4656) for St Andrews Day (30 November 2013) and they returned it with the Edinburgh post mark (FD1322TH) for 5 November 2013. Will the Royal Mail put this right, or am I stuck with their error?

    1. Royal Mail will put it right and may also refund your costs and excess postage - return it to

      Handstamp Liaison, Royal Mail, Tallents House, South Gyle, Edinburgh EH12 9PB


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