Saturday 24 August 2013

We thought 2012 was all over - new gold Machin security stamp!

Last year, the year of the Diamond Blue 1st class stamps, we were surprised by the appearance in the spring of the 1st class book of 12 stamps containing gold stamps coded M12L/MTIL.  This was the only gold stamp with a 2012 year code - until now!

The 1st class gold coded MRIL MA12 from self-adhesive coils of 10,000 intended for bulk mailing houses has been discovered on a mailshot from Barclaycard - not a statement, but a circular.  Be sure to check your incoming post and any kiloware carefully, as codes are more difficult to see on the 1st class stamps - and they aren't often used for mailshots.

These are now available - order yours here

Also new for 2013
The 2nd class large booklet of 4 with MA13 code has been reported from the Midlands.
And, just a couple of days later the 2nd large MA13 from business sheets printed 03/03/13 has been reported.  
We don't have any supplies or pictures of these.   We'll add the pictures here and the links to our stock when we have it.


  1. Do we have a rough date for this mailshot ?


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