Tuesday 16 July 2013

York Stamp Fair - Post and Go machines again

Once again York Racecourse opens its doors to the York Stamp and Coin Fair, on Friday 19th/Saturday 20th July - yes, that's this week!

The Post and Go machines (A3 and A4) which were at Midpex will be relocated to York.  The contents will be:

York Racecourse
Day 1

A3: Lakes + Union Flag

A4: Lakes + Machin (Note: This will be the first appearance of Year 2013 Machin on a Royal Mail Series 1 unit)

Day 2

A3: Lakes + Machin (as above)

A4: Lakes + Union Flag

In addition Post and Go Smilers will be available with a York Stamp and Coin Fair logo.

We will not be at York but will take orders for the above for supply late in August after we get back from a holiday.  

Orders must be received by 10 am Thursday and must include name and address and proposed payment method (cheque, bank transfer, PayPal).  
Email ian(at)norphil.co.uk - do not leave orders as comments to this blog!


  1. Hi Ian
    I'm not clear what is on offer here! Are the P&G overprinted? Also, what are 'Post & Go Smilers'?

    1. Hi

      No, there are no overprints at any local events, only Stampex and Congress (and presumably London 2015 but all will have changed by then).

      The Hytech machines have a 'button' on the screen for locally produced Smilers - see Australia 2013 (http://blog.norphil.co.uk/2013/05/report-from-australia-2013-stampshow.html)

      The Smilers sheets of 10 can be bought in the same transaction as Faststamps and have the event logo on label 1. For the remaining labels there is usually a choice of the event logo or a generic picture. I've seen pictures of the Hytech machines, and of gold postboxes. I think at Australia there was a personalisation facility as at Stampex, but not at Midpex.


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