Thursday 29 November 2012

De La Rue move from Dunstable to Gateshead will be complete by April next.

From today:

"BANK note printer De La Rue yesterday promised further investment and more jobs at its Gateshead plant as it unveiled a rise in half-year turnover and profits.

The Basingstoke-based firm has invested £13m in its Team Valley facility in recent years, with staff numbers rising from 240 in 2009 to 450 today."

According to the firm's Interim results statement:

The relocation of activities from the Dunstable factory into the Gateshead facilities respectively is well advanced. This move remains on track, with completion scheduled for the end of the 2012/13 financial year.

1 comment:

  1. The Gateshead factory was used by DLR to print the British "Post Office Technology" issue in the Delacryl process (its own form of lithography) back in 1969.

    At that time litho was the exception (this was Britain's first use of the process, I believe) and Harrison & Sons were king of stamp production with its photogravure presses. Now litho rules and Harrison is no more, of course.


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