Wednesday 27 October 2010

Bird Faststamp - phosphor short at top

I suspect few people have had these on postage so far (although I am doing my best!). The first one I received, this week, was unpostmarked but the branch code is 009420, indicating a Liverpool label.

It's also the first I've seen from any source with short phosphor - being 2mm short at the top, with no phosphor above the bird illustration (goldfinch).  The session number is 01012 so if you have any with numbers close to this, check them!  We reported short phosphor bands from Liverpool earlier, so maybe this was bought at the same time.

The Machin head Faststamps produced several similar varieties, notably in the presentation packs where it was almost impossible to find a set of 5 labels with full phosphor!

Have you found any phosphor - or other - varieties on the Birds?  Let us know by leaving a comment.

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