Saturday, 13 July 2024

New Crown should mean new booklets, business sheets, eventually.

From a BBC news report:

Royal Mail has announced a change in its brand logo, which is known as the cruciform.

The Cruciform is comprised of the words ‘Royal Mail’ (or ‘Post Brenhinol’ for Wales) in yellow double line lettering below St Edward’s Crown and is used on the company’s vehicle livery, building logos, online branding and stationery.

The Cruciform will now feature the Tudor Crown, used by King Charles, and will be seen on assets as the business begins the transition to using the new logo. In line with guidance from the Royal Household, the new cruciform will be applied to new and replacement signage, stationery and vehicles to avoid unnecessary expenditure or waste.

The Royal Cypher on postboxes in Scotland
The King’s cypher will not be applied to new postboxes in Scotland. Since 1955 Scottish postboxes have been distinguished by the St Andrews crown rather than the monarch’s cypher. There will be no change of policy on future postboxes in Scotland.

In theory this would mean a change to the covers of all retail booklets and business sheets.


  1. On 12/07/2024 the first King Charles post box was unveiled in Great Camborne, Cambridgeshire

  2. Might become as rare as the Edward the Eighth ones, replaced in ten months by the Czech lone silver double-tailed lion in red shield !

    1. They will probably be rare as the use of post boxes has lessened in the last few years. I like using the Edward the Eighth pillar boxes I pass in Lexden and Maidstone. I shall look out for Charles the Third ones as they appear, not least as the slots will be large enough for A4 envelopes.

  3. A comment has been rejected because it was made three points
    (a) was irrelevant to this post;
    (b) seemed to be approaching political;
    (c) referred to the takeover of the Royal mail business which is appropriate to another thread.

    Only relevant post, please.

  4. I just realised that presumably this means that the 50x1st Large Business Sheet as displayed on the RM web site will never appear in that form. One for a Pub Quiz?

    1. That is quite likely, although there has been no mention of the new crown in the news that we dealers get from Stamps & Collectibles, as yet.

  5. Advice note received from RM. 30/01/2025 two Retail Books visible change, booklets being issued : 8x 2nd (UB470) and 8x 1st (UB471). No doubt these booklets will also produce the first M25L + MEIL code of the new year.


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