Wednesday 12 April 2023

King Charles III retail booklets.

The five booklets were delivered in three batches from Royal Mail, and none of mine had cylinder numbers. 

Thanks are due, then, to Robert for sending this picture of the 1st class Large with a cylinder number.

1st class Large King Charles III booklet with cylinder number.

These are the first booklets to have 'C' cylinder numbers for Cartor Security Printers, which is the new name for the group, although they are almost certainly still being printed at Walsall's Wolverhampton plant.

The cylinder number is printed in the same colour as the body of the stamp, but the KC is printed by the same unit that prints the barcode, and is in digital, raised, 4-colour process.

UPDATE - it was a mistake for me not to include this in the original KC3 post, so all future comments there please.


  1. I assume KC is for King Charles.

  2. Or for the leader of The Sunshine Band?

  3. Some cylinders on eBay

  4. According to my local post office they maybe re releasing stamps with King Charles with a crown.

    1. Now the 50p coin has been displayed showing KC with a crown there is no reason the image would't be used for the Coronation stamps I guess?

  5. My booklet of 4 x 1st has the 'C1' cylinder number but not the rest of them (4 x 2nd L, 4 x 1st L, 8 x 2nd, 8 x 1st)

  6. Business Sheets now showing on Royal Mail website showing KC. However, description says the QE stock will be used first. How are we meant to collect based on that?
