Wednesday 14 December 2022

New Stamps for 2023

Normally by this time I would be hoping that somebody had produced a spoof programme for Royal Mail's stamp issues for the New Year, but instead the Stamp Calendar has been leaked on a discussion forum - and not even a stamp forum!

This is the same as that sent to the Trade.  Publishing this early will give collectors, and producers of first day covers and maximum cards, something to be thinking about.


By my count there are seven media/entertainment related issues some (but not, as far as I know, the first one) of which should have prestige stamp books, two thematic, Christmas, and two commemorative.

If collectors hadn't already decided to stop collecting new issues at the end of the reign of the late Queen, this will certainly aid their decision.

UPDATE:  Editable (and searchable) table.

12th January

Iron Maiden

16th February


9th March

The Flying Scotsman

23rd March


4th April

New Definitives and tariff

13th April

His Majesty King Charles III: A New Reign

17th May


8th June


22nd June

Windrush: 75 Years

13th July

River Wildlife

10th August

Terry Pratchett's Discworld

5th September


21st September

Dame Shirley Bassey

19th October

Harry Potter

2nd November


UPDATE 22 December:  I received the Iron Maiden miniature sheets today.


  1. White Knight replying - Poor King Charles looks rather lost in the middle of this list of detritus.

  2. Presumably Shirley Bassey is the next Music Giant - 70 years in the business. Blackadder is a 40th anniversary - fair enough. So is Discworld. So is Warhammer. But there's no need for all three of those. Iron Maiden is at least a British band but should wait for 2025 to be a Music Giant (50 years). X-men is a blatant cash-in the same as DC, Marvel, Transformers etc. So is Harry Potter (yet again).

  3. Yes, the worst yet, not that I'm surprised. "Special" is certainly no longer appropriate.
    I wonder how few regular collectors what was the Philatelic Bureau now has.
    As a Standing Order customer with the Isle of Man I've again had free their annual "The Collectors Sheet" this time with "Limited Edition of 4000". That means less than 4000 such customers across the world yet the accompanying Christmas card is printed with the signatures of twelve staff. I just can't see how the business is viable.

    1. I have been a standing order subscriber since 1987, never received anything from Royal Mail. But as stated above looking at the new list has aided my immediate decision to terminate my order, not an insignificant amount

    2. Your post is ambiguous. Presumably you mean that you have received everything you subscribe to but nothing free. In that case you are like everybody else; they never sent anything free to customers - but dealers did get a Christmas card.

      If on the other hand you didn't yet get news about the 2023 programme, that's because Royal Mail haven't officially published it yet, and the card given out at a post office branch should not have been released yet.

    3. I remember getting some kind of Star Wars Darth Maul freebie several years ago?

    4. I picked up the stamp calendar from a post office on Friday, not my local main, but one not too far from a pier depicted on a postage stamp. The WHS/Post Office staff were quite surprised to have received the calendars before the end of the year!

  4. I saw on a RM website they are offering a special deal on commemorative stamps next year an all in one off price of £195 for the whole year's issues with no postage costs. I will try to find the url for you .

  5. Here is the URL

  6. It just gets worse and worse. From an era where every commemorative issue actually commemorated something to one where 75% of the issues are completely unnecessary and just a feeble attempt to generate money. The harder they try to milk the cow, the sooner it will dry up.

  7. RM clearly don't listen to complaints of "too many stamp sets being issued in a year". As can be seen from the list of subjects it would appear that most sets will come with an unnecessary MS as well. How many of these stamps will actually be used for postage by the general public, not many I fear. Then on top of the Special Stamps, there are likely to be "Definitive" stamps appearing with the King's image / cypher

    1. Come now! the more stamp sets Royal Mail does the greater variety we have to choose from to collect or use. I always put pretty stamps on post: it is nice for friends & relatives and makes your letter to elsewhere more likely to be attended to. Miniature sheets are useful for this as they usually have one each of the usual ones you need. Presumably the May 6th new monarch ones will be commemoratives & preceded by new-design definitives? New coins have just been issued already so shall we get the definitives in January?

  8. My Football Facts15 December 2022 at 16:32

    A while back I suggested that Royal Mail should issue a set of Female British Music Legends. It seems like they may have partly taken my advice!

    1. Smacks of desperation to avoid accusations of misogyny. How many of Dame Shirley's albums could you name? (Even the disinterested could have rattled off a half-dozen or more of each of the past 'legends'.)

      Not that Tiger Bay's finest isn't deserving of being featured in an issue but, like several other 'special' subjects in 2023's list, a single stamp as part of a broader set would have been more appropriate.

    2. It isn't surprising that you can't name Shirley Bassey albums: she started her career when I was still listening to Uncle Mac on a Saturday morning, with Sparky the Magic Piano, she was in semi-retirement by the time Iron Maiden appeared, having started her career in the 1950s.

      She appeals to a different demographic, and to include her as a single in a set of stamps would bring accusations of just the misogyny that you suggest.

      Incidentally, I can't name any of her albums (and I couldn't name any IM albums) but that is not the point.

    3. Don’t think she ever recorded Sparky’s Magic Piano.

  9. It seems to me that the list being discussed IS a spoof list.

  10. I think RM have been reading my comments on here, I did mention in the past a stamp set on The Legend of Robin Hood ha ha... As for the others, The Royal Scotsman intrigues me, and X-Men, and River Wildlife, the list looks quite bleak, Warhammer really, Iron Maiden I wouldn't call them Music Legends, but than how do you define Legend, Harry Potter done to death, A set of Shirley Bassey stamps a set of 8 sets stamps could be difficult, Discworld not so bad, the rest I rather bin them along with Warhammer.

    1. HI Martin it is actually Flying Scotsman and this issue celebrates the 100th anniversary of it's build and entrance into service on LNER train company on east coast main line it does deserve this accolade being the most famous steam locomotive of all time :-)

    2. True as far as the UK is concerned, especially in terms of longevity and ]it is a deserved commemoration. But calling it the most famous steam locomotive of all time would raise eyebrows here in North America where the Union Pacific 4014 -- The Big Boy -- holds that claim to fame.

    3. Never heard of it :-D

      So... compare the Wikipedia entries; there is much more on our loco than yours!
      And - our loco has toured the USA & Canada, so it is well known by rail enthusiasts 'of a certain age' in the US as well as over here.

    4. Flying Scotsman's fame is due partly to it being the first steam engine to reach 100mph. We also have Mallard that holds the steam record at 126mph!

  11. It is depressing that the meaningful issues - commemorating the coronation, 75th aniversary of Windrush and a bare others - are swamped by, to be kind, drivel.

    Quite happy with my decision to draw a line under my collecting in September.

  12. I had thought that the Christmas stamps were to be the last to bear the Queen's silhouette?

    1. No, they were headlined in the popular press as being the last Christmas stamps to bear the Queen's head. Many commentators - and doubtless many of the public - thought as you did.

    2. Oh no! Does that mean that there are potentially prestige books still to come?

    3. Potentially. There isn't one for Music Giants (January); but X-men? Yes, possibly. Whether or not they include barcoded Machins rather depends on when the new definitives are issues - and of course they are not included in the philatelic programme.

  13. Hello Ian, they are my pictures from the public sections of the Postcrossing Forum, the stamp Calendar was given to me buy the branch manager of the Northolt Post Office, Ealing, Middx. Thank you for sharing on your blog, Mark.

  14. It is instructive once again to observe the gaps in weeks between issues. Those marked with (+) or (-) have odd days to be added or subtracted.

    5 weeks, 3, 2, 3, 3(+), 2(-), 3,2,3,4,3(+), 2(+), 4, 2.

    In my view that is pretty horrific, so Lars, I'm afraid I disagree with you. This is not choice, it is blatant exploitation.

    It makes me glad I gave up collecting picture stamps at the end of 1969.

  15. We all have our opinions, and I for one am glad I stopped buying new issues before the 2012, but two main concerns are still present - the cost and relevance of the issues. Nearly every set these days is 8 to 10 stamps and very often includes a miniature sheet and/or high values. If there were lots of single stamp or two stamp issues collectors would not be complaining as much. Also, there was a time you used to learn about British history and achievements, but that seems to have been replaced with popular culture. I know Royal Mail has to remain relevant but when there was no issue this year for the BBC I was shocked as the BBC is an institution and world renowned.

    1. Royal Mail have previous for forgetting to celebrate sporting successes. You only have to look at the Cricket World Cup back in 2019 when the men won. It suddenly dawned on them that the Women had won the Cricket World Cup in 2017, so we had 2 miniature sheets issued on the same day. Perhaps they might issue some stamps re the Women's victory, when and if the men win something. It could be a long wait... In the meantime more comic drivel will have to do

  16. The Legend of Robin Hood could be Disney's version. actually marks its 50th Anniversary next year, if they are going down that route, this would be first set of stamps featuring Disney's animated movies.

  17. The "first set of stamps featuring Disney's animated movies" but not the last.
    Far better the British "A Challenge for Robin Hood" with the car in the background !

  18. 'White Knight' has made quite a scathing post today on the Commonwealth Stamp Opinion site about what Matt Parkes has done over the past six years to British new issues and I can't disagree with a word of it.

  19. I hope to be Going Postal for Discworld! I am a stamp user, and will endeavour to buy at least some of these stamps to use for postage. Most of the letters I send to go overseas, cheapest rate is currently £1.60, but airmail is £1.85 for 20g outside Europe (100g to Europe), and is £2.55 for over 20g outside Europe (pleased to see newer charity cards a little lighter than 20g).

    I did try to fill sticker albums as a child - didn't get very far with Dune, a little further with Return of the Jedi, and started 101 Dalmatians. At least with postage stamps, they can be used for postage, otherwise to me, are just glorified stickers (and I also use stickers in my letters).

    I like to see things used... still looking out for P for Postbox on a 10p in my change.

  20. Enough is enough. 2023 will probably be the last year I collect all new issues, I 'might' stick to the post-Machin definitives (depending on their design), but then I might not.

  21. I'd only just started collecting again after a significant gap but when I saw the 2023 issue calendar I had no choice but to call Royal Mail's Philatelic customer services to close my account. It looks like I'll be moving to collecting German stamps from the new year - although there are lots of issues across the year most of them are a single stamp and most below 1 euro. I may look at buying a set of the new KCIII definitive stamps and frame them together with a set of the last of QEII definitive stamps in a single frame something like before and after.

  22. Both The Royal Mint and the Bank of England have confirmed images for King Charles III on their 'products'. Unfortunately Royal Mail are lagging behind - a Second Class service!

    1. Unfair: the coin is already available, so of course it is ready. The stamp design is quite likely agreed, but until Royal Mail know when they think they will issue them, I don't think they will tell us - anyway, it's all a big secret like everything they do!

  23. Just an update on my previous post ref the one off £195.40 payment for all special issues in 2023, I was told this morning that this offer does NOT include PSB's.

  24. X-Men, Harry Potter, these are all probably to get young folk into collecting stamps, but it's getting rather samey now. I like the look of the Flying Scotsman and Blackadder set, something different. Christmas, probably another religious these to keep the cranks happy.

    1. How inconsiderate of Royal Mail to issue Christmas stamps marking the Christian origin of Christmas to keep the Christian cranks happy.....I definitely must be a crank then

    2. But if they never see them used how long will that last?

  25. Having just seen the Iron Maiden stamps on Commonwealth Stamps Opinion I have to agree with White Knight ..Ugly & Vile straight to the point !

  26. The Royal Mail website now has a page reserved for "Exciting News" on 5 January -

    1. Will this “exciting news” establish when the last commemorative set incorporating the queens head will be? The sooner the better looking at this years offering. Sick of being treated like a cash cow.

    2. The first Royal Mail launch of 2023 was "exciting news" in the same way that the launch of Donald Trump's NFT digital 'trading cards' merited being called a "major announcement" - and in each case buyers will be lucky to recoup even 25% of the cost if they try to sell in the future.

  27. Elsewhere, there's comments on how to encourage children to collect stamps. Perhaps the children of today aren't all that interested in the fine detail of engraved stamps, two-coloured figurehead stamps, but maybe the X-Men could introduce children to stamps and then in the future, they become curious about philatelic history and intricacies. Perhaps some of these issues would encourage a new generation to be interested in stamps.

    Do the blog readers' children/grandchildren/young family members like any of the recent pop culture themes, such as DC/Marvel comics, Harry Potter? If yes, I think the older issues are still available on the Royal Mail website - and maybe you can gift a set, or use the stamps on birthday cards / surprise postcards, etc... to them - maybe then use this as a gateway...

  28. The 2023 issue list is now available on the RM web site:

    1. Thank you - but King Charles 111 - really?

    2. I didn't notice that - maybe the dreaded auto-correct? The PDF list has King Charles III

  29. So 15 issues (14 + the Coronation), which is much the same as the 14-issue schedule of Ireland's An Post.

    Unlike Royal Mail, however, An Post's [non-definitive] tally for 2023 will be just 35 stamps - a figure RM will doubtless pass before Easter, on the way to another 100+ record year.

  30. I received my Iron Maiden 1st Issue last week and was expecting it to contain the wallet size card stamp issue list for 2023 but it didn't. Does anyone know if we are getting one this year I find it very useful.

    1. Coindentally I received this reply from the Press Office today:

      We didn’t issue a release announcing the 2023 calendar this year. However, the calendar has been posted online: 2023 Stamp Calendar and Stocklist (
      The calendar was also included in the First that landed with customers on the 5 Jan.

  31. Thnx Ian so mine must have been not included I will call them

    1. I have just spoken with another collector who says that the calendar is not included as a standalone, but was printed in the back of First.

  32. Yes that is what I was told as you say there is no stand alone calendar this year I am disappointed but thnx Ian

    1. Oh there is, that's what's picture. Some Post Office branches have it. I collected one.

  33. A bit off topic but I have just seen the commemorative stamps for Queen Elizabeth II due to be issued in February for Ascension Island & other dependencies on Commonwealth Stamps Opinion Blog, they really put Royal Mail's efforts to shame.

  34. Just seen some of the XMen stamp issue on Commonwealth Stamps Opinion Blog why was they ever thought of totally American!

  35. RM Advice note for Flying Scotsman show a PSB (YB110) priced at £21.05, PSB FDC (HF103) at £3.80

  36. Flying Scotsman images are now showing on Commonwealth Stamps Opinion.

  37. Windrush issue now showing on Commonwealth Stamps Opinion blog very colourful

  38. River Wildlife issue now showing on Commonwealth Stamps Opinion Blog a nice selection of creatures

  39. Just received my order advice note for Shirley Bassey at last a PSB but what a cost for the issue £41.55 !

  40. Paddington issue now showing on CSOB site .

  41. Just got my order advice note for the Christmas issue set of stamps are £7.70 so I am guessing 1 x 2nd, 1 x 2nd Large, 1 x 1st, 1 x 1st Large, 1 x £2.20 that is £7.70 so 5 stamps instead of the usual 6 and booklets of 8 stamps 1st & 2nd .

    1. That makes sense with only one airmail stamp needed now.

      There is also knock on effect on the Generic/Collector sheet.


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