Friday 27 April 2018

More counter sheets from Walsall on 23rd May, 2018

While we are away, Royal Mail have sent advices to standing order customers but not, as far as I can see, to dealers that more new Machin counter sheet printings will be distributed on 23 May.

These are ‘Non Visible Changes’ and will be automatically sent by RM to their customers who have these on standing orders. 

Denominations : 2nd Class, 1st Class, 1st Large, 10p, 20p and £1

As these have an official day of issue we will produce a limited number of FDCs to order.  If you are interested please let us know as soon as possible. 


  1. Why do these 'Non Visible Changes' have an official day of issue status? The main difference will be the date code which has changed from M17L to M18L and normally Royal Mail do not bother with this. In which case each time a new value is produced by Walsall to add to the range of stamps will they also have an official day of issue?

  2. It is unusual, but there is a sort-of precedent with the 78p etc.
    But we should not assume that all new values will be introduced this way.

    A few years ago the Scotland 2nd and 1st class by Cartor had an official release date, stated to be the first of the roll-out. And then others crept out at Post Offices, unnoticed, or were on the TH cylinders list, and there were no official days of issue for the England and Wales equivalents.

    But at least for the Walsall printings that they do release in this way (a) we don’t have to try and source stock for everybody, (b) we can do FDCs!

    1. I should have said that the (non visible) change is the new printer, visible at the cylinder block and possibly date block.

  3. It will be interesting to see if the next TH stocklist differentiates between the DLR and Walsall printings of the Machins. The list uses the abbreviation NV for non-visible changes. Perhaps they will use DRL and W ? If you 'phoned on 23rd May would they be able to supply a Walsall cylinder block for the new non-visible changes ?

  4. Wonder if the new stamps will be coded M18L or MA18, seem to remember the Walsall and DLR 78p were date coded differently M13L or MA13?

  5. I have just spoken to Tallents House about these 23rd May issues, hoping to buy them at face rather than with dealer's mark up. The person I spoke to has no knowledge of them.

    1. I added NVC issues to my regular SO & I will be receiving them on issue date. But I wonder will they be M18L or MA18>?

    2. Why would they be coded MA18 - the ones issued in March were M18L.

    3. Ian the same reason as Kevin King above?

    4. I wasn’t working yesterday so replied to yours. The answer is the same.

      The 2013 stamps had the wrong code in error. It happened that the code used was not the same as that used by DLR.

      There is no reason to suppose that the ones to be made available on 23 May will have a different code to that on the ones issued earlier this year.

  6. The order codes now seem to only be entered on the system a fortnight before the issue date so there is no point phoning Tallents House before the 9th of May.

  7. I also spoke to TH today about adding to my s/order or placing an order for visible change colour block format as I have with new issues. They don't offer this option and therefore you can't place an order. Well done TH.

  8. I have a s/o for non-visible singles and I received the £2.25 Walsall stamp. I have received an Order Advice Note about the 23rd May issues. I would try to change your s/o after 23rd May. It may be that the staff at TH have yet to be informed. When the call centre was based in Edinburgh one of the staff told me that they would use Norvic for information.

    1. As a dealer I don't know for certain what the arrangements are for ordinary collectors. I HAVE been told however, that some of the options previously available on S/O continue for those that have them but are not available for new customers, or for existing customers to add. Perhaps somebody else can confirm this?

    2. I added NVC issues to my account when I ordered the £2.25 stamp so about a month ago maybe more, it usually takes a month to appear on your account and their system.

  9. 2nd Class Booklets packaged 19/02/2018 contain the M17L printing.

  10. Ian, So TH are actually turning genuine philatelic custom away. When the deeper red shade was introduced I can't remember anything being said in the Bulletin. However the TH staff were aware of it but the new shade would not be supplied even though it was a visible change. The new font for the booklets was mentioned on the Issues and Withdrawals page, but no images have been shown in the Bulletin.(I think ?? - apart from the 'padlock' image) And you can forget the security backing paper. Having said all that the call centre staff are very pleasant and do of their best.

    1. To be honest I can't always remember what WE have been told and what ordinary customers have been told in the Philatelic Bulletin (we no longer get 'First').

      We were told very specifically about the font changes on 20 October 2016 which affected booklets and business sheets. This was also when the red colour was changed on those stamps. But when the colour was changed on counter sheets nobody at RM thought to make that known to dealers or collectors. So FDCs exist from October, but not for counter sheets of the 1st & 1st Large.

      Some things they would rather have us deal with than go to detail themselves; and other things they can't be bothered to tell us about either!

  11. I am waiting to hear from TH regarding the 2p counter sheet which was printed at the same time as the ones issued in May if you have NVC issues on your standing order, they seem to have no knowledge of this stamp, but I explained they were on e-bay & asked why I did not receive one. But I was told that in July/August the 1p & 5p counter sheets will be available


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