As of today some indicators change as follows:
1LL becomes 1LG
2LL becomes 2LG
BLL becomes BLG
AX becomes AAX
BLL is British Forces but counters need a BFPO number to input to the system, or else a zero label might be produced (for the forces that are in active service areas, like Iraq and Afghanistan).
AX/AAX are Airsure designations. If anybody reading this receives an Airsure item with the new AAX label I'd like a picture of the label and cover to put on our webpage for Horizon labels. Please email me at
2591. 🇮🇳 India Commemorates Mata Karma.
*New issues *-
🇮🇳 *India Post *-
25 May 2025 - Commemoration of Mata Karma, 1016-1064, devotee of Krishna.
According to India Post, Mata Karma’a li...