For some reason the phosphor on the self-adhesive definitive stamps is not printed in the space between the stamps (known as the matrix) as on the those printed on normal sheets of 200. Whereas short or inset phosphor bands on the normal sheets would apply only to a proportion of the sheet (bottom or top row, first or last column because they are printed continuously, across all perforations), such phosphor shifts on the new stamps will apply to every stamp. This should have an impact on their cost and value.
Updated 24-02-09
2nd class [04/12/08] - All are very slightly short of the top perf tips [Later: Phosphor on sheet 0000440 is 100% OK]
1st class [09/12/08] - Most are very slightly short of the top perf tips
2nd Large [10/12/08] - All are short at the foot, some sufficiently to be catalogued, but most not.
1st Large [09/12/08] - All are very slightly short of the top perf tips
50p grey [08/12/08] - All are very slightly short of the left perf tips [Later: Another sheet has phosphor slightly short at the top but the left is OK!]
£1 ruby [08/12/08] - All are very slightly short of the left perf tips
£1.50 [20/01/09] - All are very slightly short of the top perf tips
£2.00 [20/01/09] - All are slightly short of the top perf tips, some almost listable. Two sheets found are also slightly inset at right
£3.00 [20/01/09] - Very nearly all are 'OK'. One Cyl block seen has left and foot extreme tips clear of phosphor.
£5.00 [20/01/09] - All except one Cyl block are slightly short at the top. The odd one is 100% ok.
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2682. 🇮🇳 Fruit From Bihar.
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🇲🇾 *Pos Malaysia *-
10 March 2025 - Aidilfitri, Moslem religious festival, *se tempe *personalised
stamps. Sheetlet of 10 stamps (2 ...
On the £1.50 value I have two one in the pack and one purchased loose and both show short bands top clear of perfs.