Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Marching on through 2025 another round of slogan postmarks and other postal markings.

Without any announcement from Royal Mail's press office (why do they not promote the organisations and campaigns they support?) we had a new slogan used on 1st March.  After that I expect a return to the normal default British Heart Foundation slogan, possibly with St Patrick's Day (though we didn't see anything for St David's Day).

Examples of the new slogan below - send us anything else you get that hasn't already been shown, please.

Alongside a logo, we have this slogan supporting uksaysnomore and Hestia .



The first example came on a letter from a customer in Cornwall - but the stamp made it impossible to work out what the postmark is all about.

UKSaysNoMore & Hestia slogan used Plymouth and Cornwall 01/03/2025

Fortunately this better image was offered by M, taken from a square envelope processed at Gatwick Mail Centre, also 01/03/2025

UKSaysNoMore & Hestia slogan used at Gtwick Mail Centre 01/03/2025

There should be the other layout from the other type of machine as well.


Other postmarks and postal markings



Remember, all postmarks appearing in March will be added to this post, so check here before you spend time scanning and emailing.

1 comment:

  1. "(why do they not promote the organisations and campaigns they support?)" - could not agree more!


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