Tuesday, 11 February 2025

February 2025 slogan and other postmarks and postal markings

As mentioned last month Royal Mail have announced that the British Heart Foundation variant for RevivR (used last February) will be used again this year.    

We haven't seen any yet and I suspect some people will not notice the difference from the default wording, so if you have a copy, however bad!, please send it.

British Heart

Learn lifesaving CPR with RevivR
Find out more at

UPDATE 26 February. This 'default for the month' slogan was continued after Apprenticeship week and Valentine's Day.

Here's one version from Chester & N Wales on 20/02/2025 from JW.  There's also a slightly better one from Sheffield on the same date and the other format from Peterborough Mail Centre courtesy of JH.

British Heart Foundation RevivR slogan Chester & N Wales 20/02/25

British Heart Foundation RevivR slogan Sheffield Mail Centre 20/02/25

British Heart Foundation RevivR Peterborough Mail Centre 20-02-25

The first report for the month comes from JM who sends this example from Sheffield Mail Centre of the National Apprenticeship Week slogan which has been a regular feature in recent years, but now in new wording.  Perhaps someone can supply a better one?

Royal Mail supports
Apprenticeship Week
10-16 February


National Apprenticeship Week slogan Sheffield Mail Centre,  --/02/2025

UPDATE ♥︎ 14 February 2025 ♥︎

Royal Mail used this image today to advertise their slogan on social media.  Two examples arrived yesterday, the Warrington Mail Centre one from RW, and the Birmingham Mail Centre one from JM.  It's the same slogan as last year.

Send a little love
this ♥︎
Valentine's Day
♥︎ ♥︎ February 14


Valentine's Day Slogan Birmingham Mail Centre 11/02/2025

Valentine's Day Slogan Warrington Mail Centre 10-02-2025

Other postmarks and postal markings



Remember, all postmarks appearing in February will be added to this post, so check here before you spend time scanning and emailing.




  1. Thanks for sharing these, Ian - I don't get a huge amount of post nowadays but when I do I can never read the postmarks. Hardly printed/ faded ink! Good to see what's out there.

  2. Had a Valentine's one in today - not clear because upside down, and printed across washi tape.


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