As I mentioned in November, I now aim to have a Post and Go post (and comment thread) for each year, so this is the first post for 2022. Malcolm has already provided a comment on the November post about what happened when The Postal Museum re-opened, but I have copied this here so that we have something to start the year with. And of course it has a glitch - well an oddity I think. Read on!
Postal Museum changes 1 January 2022
Reader Malcolm reports: After service on the 31st December, the Winter Greenery stock was removed and from Saturday 1st January 2022 it was replaced with Union Flag undated stock for 1st class and
MA15 2nd class Machin, but without the Wish You Were Here inscription. This did continue on the 1st class, ending at
close of business on Sunday 2nd January.
The museum was then closed on its
usual Monday and Tuesday, reopening on Wednesday 5th with the Wish You
Were Here inscription now removed from the 1st class Machin, so therefore a new
variety of strip was available, being the first time with the Europe and Worldwide
Large strips have been available without a commemorative overprint.
For the first half hour of operation on 5th, the stock was MA13, and it was then replaced with MA14 stock subsequently.
UPDATE 12 January: Malcolm has sent these pictures from the Postal Museum:
January 2022 Postal Museum Post and Go 1st class stamps, MA13 (left) and MA14.
UPDATE 19 January: The Commonwealth Stamps Opinion blog reports the latest Post and Go imprints from Jersey and Guernsey.
The Jersey issue was actually on 6 December 2021 and marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the island's Finance Industry, as it was 1961 when banks started establishing offshore branches to meet the
growing demands of British customers living or working abroad. The additional inscription is applied to all six colours of the Jersey Arms stamps.
Jersey Arms Post and Go stamp with inscription marking 60 Years of the Finance Industry.
On 17 February Jersey Post will issue a new set of 'Harvest of the Sea' Post and Go stamps in six new designs. (Via Gulfmann ATM Collection blog).
Jersey 'Harvest of the Sea' Post and Go stamps (1 of 6) issued 17 February 2022
Meanwhile on 19 February Guernsey Post will issue a set of six new designs entitled Guernsey Cuisine, all are pictured on the CSO blog.
Guernsey 'Cuisine' Post and Go stamp (1 of 6) issued 19 February 2022
UPDATE 16 February. Thanks to Malcolm B for news from The Postal Museum regarding its output for the London 2022 International Exhibition.
The London 2022 inscription is on the 1st class Machin stamps on machine A001 in The Postal Museum and on the Post Office
London Railway stamp on machine A013 in Mail Rail. It will run from next
Saturday (19th February) to the end of Saturday 26th February.
Update 4 April - Postal MuseumA new exhibition is running at the Postal Museum from 30 March 2022 – 1 January 2023 entitled Sorting Britain: The Power of Postcodes. This delves into the Post Office innovation that revolutionised how post was
processed, sorted, and delivered and its unintended outcomes for life in
Thanks to Malcolm we can show the Post & Go strips that are associated with this exhibition, which have an additional 'Sorting Britain' imprint.
He writes: Update on Postal Museum went ahead as planned Machin was MA13 stock and Flag MA19 stock (first time here). Mail
by Air went in as R19 stock and was available as a first class strip
however also available were all the other values of a collector strip
although this was not available as an option.
Postal Museum Post and Go stamps: Machin MA13 and Union Flag MA19 with
Sorting Britain imprint; and Mail by Air MA19 stock without that imprint all from machine A001
UPDATE 3 June 2022. To mark the Platinum Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth II the Postal Museum is resurrecting the Machin Anniversary set with a new imprint: their (edited) press release:
Postal Museum is set to release a new inscription on its Post & Go
machines to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee.
The inscription “The Postal Museum/The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee” will
be printed on the multicoloured “Machin 50th anniversary” stamps
and will run from 3 June to 1 July 2022.
of six anniversary Machin stamps is a different colour and
will be overprinted with the standard UK first class (up to 100g)
value. They will temporarily replace the existing “Mail by Air”
stamps for the duration of the Jubilee inscription. These stamps will be
available from the Post & Go machine in the museum’s welcome
space, either singly or in strips of six.
The inscription “Mail Rail/The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee” will be
printed on standard “Machin first class” stamps of all values.
These stamps will be available as a collector’s strip of six and as
individual values from the Post & Go machine in the Mail Rail’s
welcome space from 3 June to 1 July 2022.
Postal Museum will be joining other Royal Mail Post & Go sites in
offering this Jubilee inscription - the National Museum of the Royal
Navy (NMRN) site at HMS Victory in Portsmouth, NMRN Submarine Museum
in Gosport, NMRN Explosion Museum also in Gosport, Fleet Air Arm
Museum in Ilchester, HMS Trincomalee in Hartlepool, The Shakespeare
Birthplace Trust in Stratford Upon Avon and STEAM - Museum of the
Great Western Railway in Swindon.
Postal Museum Platinum Jubilee Post & Go set from pre-release publicity image. |
Thanks to Mike I can also show the actual stamps from both machines:
Postal Museum and Mail Rail Platinum Jubilee Post & Go set |
Doug couldn't have missed Mike by many minutes judging by the session numbers (7821 & 0840) of his strips. Both reported it quiet (apart from families visiting the museum) and Mike said that he "didn’t see any of the ‘usual’ dealers there."
UPDATE 8 June: My thanks to AH who writes:Thanks to your blog, I bought six of the Platinum Jubilee Post & Go
stamps on Saturday and had one of them used on the envelope. It was
cancelled with a cds for 4th June and also received an example of the
Platinum Jubilee slogan on its travels (but this is not very clear). The thanks are, of course, equally due to other readers and contributors. This is the stamp, which we can see comes from machine A009 which is still, as far as I know, at the Shakespeare Centre in Stratford. We have recorded past instances of Shakespeare output with their logo and the new inscription occupying the same position on the stamp which is probably why the logo is missing here, giving no indication of where the stamp was printed. Are other museum outputs like this on this occasion?
Platinum Jubilee inscription on Post and Go stamp from machine A009, Stratford's Shakespeare Centre.
UPDATE 17 JUNE: John MacCullum has sent these images of the two relevant special handstamps on the Postal Museum Platinum Jubilee stamps:
London special handstamp for HM The Queen's Platinum Jubilee on Postal Museum Platinum Jubilee Post and Go stamp 3 June 2022
London special handstamp for The Postal Museum, London WC1 on Postal Museum Platinum Jubilee Post and Go stamp 3 June 2022
Jubilee UPDATE 13 July: My thanks to MC for (a couple of weeks ago) sending this picture of the Platinum Jubilee inscription added to the Swindon Steam GWR stamps. The stock is MA13.
Platinum Jubilee inscription added to the Swindon Steam GWR stamps |
UPDATE 19 August: Thanks to Malcolm for sending these images of the 2nd class Post & Go stamps coded CL21S purchased from York.
UPDATE 12 November 2022. I haven't included examples of all changes here, but my thanks to Malcolm for sending this image of the Postal Museum's Lest We Forget 2022 inscription on the MA15 Poppy stamp.
The Postal Museum Lest We Forget 2022 inscription on MA15 Poppy stamp.
UPDATE 27 June. My thanks to correspondent JJ who tells us that Spain will issue a set of variable value (Post and Go) stamps on 7 July dedicated to the Pride parade.
Spain: Pride Post and Go stamp 7 July 2022.
All news about P&G in 2022 will be here or in the comments below.
A new post for 2023 has now been set up here. This one will be closed for new comments soon.